Teaching Projects

Mit Champagner auf (Nor)Wegen [With champagne on (nor)ways] - a student podcast project

The podcast "Mit Champagner auf (Nor)Wegen" is a student project of the Master's programme in Public History in Bochum. The students invite listeners to travel exactly 130 years into the past, to the year 1894, when the ship "Augusta Viktoria" travelled to Norway for the first time as a cruise ship. These were the beginnings of a travel model that still exists today. In the podcast, listeners find out why cruises came into being at this particular time, who travelled on the Augusta Viktoria and which people below the surface were responsible for the smooth running of the cruise. It also looks at which stops were made on the journey, what happened on the ship, what was eaten and drunk - spoiler: including champagne - and much more. 
The information is based on an intensive study of sources and literature and is presented in very different ways, to create a lively listening experience.

The podcast can be found here on Spotify.

Vom Schlachtfeldpanorama zur Virtual-Reality-Anwendung - Forschendes (historisches) Lernen im Museum

The project includes two seminars: Seminar I (SI) deals with the Franco-German War of 1870/71 and the contemporary media treatment in 360° panorama paintings, while Seminar II (SII) takes a didactic perspective and deals with representations of history in Virtual Reality (VR). VR is a technology that is experiencing a "boom" in the current teaching of history and can be seen as a digital continuation of the 19th century panorama.
The project focuses on the sketches for the panorama of the Battle of Wörth of 1888 preserved in the Bavarian Army Museum in Ingolstadt. The panorama, which is no longer preserved, is to be transformed into a VR application by the students after a excursion to the museum for the exhibition there, whereby the project is characterized by a strong production/practice orientation. The students will apply historical methods (SI), in addition didactic and technical skills will be promoted in order to create a media experience for visitors of the museum with the digitally reconstructed panorama.

Here you can view the project report.

Leader: Christian Bunnenberg, Elena Lewers

Duration: 2023

Funded by: Universitätsprogramm "Forschendes Lernen" - Förderlinie Sachkostenzuschuss

(Virtuell) vor Ort - Virtual Reality an Gedenkstätten und in der Lehre

Virtual reality applications with historical content advertise that they can "experience" or "bring to life" the past. According to the associated advertising, the virtual environment is meticulously recreated in detail in order to be perceived as "authentic".
The project deals with the use of virtual reality technology at memorial sites - both theoretically and practically. The students deal with VR technology and its current role in the teaching of history. They will learn about Digital Holocaust Education und History Education. In addition, the goal of the project is for the students to develop their own prototypes for a virtual memorial in cooperation with the NS Documentation Center in Cologne. The students learn about technical tools with which they not only develop concepts for a VR application, but also implement them.

Leader: Elena Lewers

Duration: 2022

Funded by: 5x5000 Wettbewerb von RUBeL 

#history - Geschichte(n) erzählen mit dem Smartphone

In their everyday lives and free time, students use a wide variety of social media on a daily basis. For institutions that teach history, they have become increasingly important for opening up new target groups and maintaining contact with existing ones, and not just since the pandemic. #history alone has been shared 40 million times on Instagram and viewed 15.5 billion times on TikTok.

The Practical Exercise on History in Social Media, funded by 5x5000, is aimed at B.A. students (max. 30). It is embedded in a module that serves as an orientation to various professional fields for historians and the acquisition of professional field-oriented work techniques. The aim is for students to be able to classify historical representations in social media (especially Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Messenger) and to produce them themselves, taking into account the media's own logic.

The exercise teaches basic knowledge of history theories, reflection and didactics and enables their practical application in social media. The students not only get to know different social media and forms of history representations, but can also critically reflect on them, recognize possibilities and limits of history mediation and use them themselves. The students deal with the applications observationally and are prepared for the development of independent products through workshops by external speakers on, among other things, science communication, storytelling and community management. The production phase forms the core of the exercise. It is designed as an open testing space in which students can try out different media and tools, test formats and develop their own preferences without pressure to perform.

Leader: Mia Berg, Theresa Hiller, Elena Lewers, Helen Bittner

Duration: 2021-2022

Funded by: 5x5000 Wettbewerb, RUBeL 

EDIT - gEschichte DIgiTal produzieren

The project deals with the digital mediation of history in school and non-school contexts. In two online seminars in the M.Ed. History and the M.A. Public History, students will deal with the analysis, evaluation and production of digital mediation offers in summer semester 2021. The M.Ed. students will deal with digital learning offers for history teaching in a theory-based and practice-oriented way using the example of the digital learning platform MiBLabor. Linked to a history didactic research project, they independently develop digital learning modules from videotaped oral history interviews using the tool H5P. The students in the M.A. Public History deal with the use of Virtual Reality in historical museums using the example of the exhibition "900 Years Barbarossa" planned for 2022/23 by the LWL-Landesmuseum. For the exhibition location Schloss Cappenberg, the students are developing concepts for VR offerings with the help of the tool thinglink. Due to the ongoing restrictions for cultural institutions and the associated #closedbutopen initiative, the seminar topic gains additional relevance.

Leader: Christian Bunnenberg, Theresa Hiller, Elena Lewers, Helen Bittner, Marlen Farina

Duration: 2021

Funded by: 5x5000 Wettbewerb, RUBeL 


Kriegsgezwitscher - Ein Twitterprojekt zum Deutsch-Französischen Krieg von 1870/71

The   project "Kriegsgezwitscher” aims to (re)tell the story of the Franco-German War of 1870/71 on the Twitter account @Krieg7071.In a so-called "Reentweetment" the events are told from different perspectives in real time, accurate to the day, the hour or ideally the minute - only 150 years later. The followers of the Twitter account will thus be able to gain insights into the war and the experiences and perceptions of the contemporaries. At the same time, the possibilities of chronological presentation on Twitter are being used in order to make the war, with its turbulent and dense series of events as well as uneventful periods, comprehensible in its temporal dimension.
The tweets on the Twitter account @Krieg7071 are based on contemporary sources from people involved and other texts that allow contextualisation. The project is realised by Prof. Dr. Tobias Arand (PH Ludwigsburg), Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg and students from Ludwigsburg and Bochum.

Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Tobias Arand (PH Ludwigsburg)

Duration: 2020-2021

Phase: in Public History angeleitet soziale Wirklichkeit erforschen

The core of the project is to adapt an existing self-study course (Moodle), designed to introduce methods of qualitative social research, to the requirements of the new Master's programme in "Public History". The course was developed, used and evaluated by the educational sciences at RUB as part of the project "ABC – Abseits des Curriculums" (funded by the university programme "Forschendes Lernen"). The project thus involves a transfer from educational science to history and from the Bachelor's to the Master's level. The course is an interactive and action-oriented introduction to methods of empirical-qualitative social research. The examination of the course content enables students to choose their own research question and to work on it empirically on a small scale (e.g. by developing an interview guide and conducting, transcribing and reflecting on an interview). Students of the Master's programme in "Public History" are potentially employed in professional fields (e.g. museums) where basic knowledge in qualitative social research is increasingly required (e.g. visitor and recipient research). Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach will be used to transfer knowledge from the field of educational science to historical science and its special requirements.

Project partner: Prof. Dr. Sandra Aßmann, Institute for Educational Science, Ruhr Universität Bochum

Funded by: University Programme "Forschendes Lernen" at RUB

Duration: 2018-2019


  • PHase - In Public History angeleitet soziale Wirklichkeit untersuchen, in: Straub, Jürgen/Plontke, Sandra/Ruppel, Paul Sebastian/Frey, Birgit/Mehrabi, Flora/Ricken, Judith (Hrsg.): Forschendes Lernen an Universitäten. Prinzipien, Methoden, Best-Practices an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Wiesbaden 2020, S. 137-145. (zus. mit Sandra Aßmann, Andrea Blome, Jörg Maack)