Project: Menschen im Bergbau [people in the mining industry]

Duration: 2019-2022

Since 2014, the History of the Ruhr Foundation (SGR) and the German Mining Museum Bochum (DBM) have been running the Oral History Project "Digitaler Gedächtnisspeicher: Menschen im Bergbau" ( to preserve the memories of those who shaped the mining industry in the decades between the end of the Second World War and its final closure in 2018. In the second phase of the project, starting in 2019, the collected stories will be analysed under different disciplinary and didactic aspects.
The Assistant Professor for History Education  is responsible for the didactic sub-project A “Digitales Lernen: Theorie und Praxis“ [Digital Learning: Theory and Practice] . In this project, digital teaching materials and concepts for the video platform "People in Mining" are developed and put into practice (Editor: Theresa Hiller).
The aim of the didactic sub-project B "Digitales Lernen: Effekte auf das historische Lernen” [Digital learning: Effects on historical learning]  is the empirical examination of the learning effectiveness of the teaching materials and concepts created. This project is supervised by the Chair for History Didactics (Prof. Dr. Nicola Brauch) (Editor: Marcel Mierwald). 

Project website:

Project partner: Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets, Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum

Funded by: Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebietes, Stiftung Ruhrkohle AG


Workshop "Menschen im Bergbau - Oral History und ihre Vermittlung" 30.09.-02.10.2020 

From 30.09.-02.10.2020 a workshop for representatives from the fields of history, history didactics and museum education as well as teachers will take place. It is organised by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the History of the Ruhr Foundation and the German Mining Museum Bochum.
The workshop aims to present and discuss approaches to the topic of "Oral History" from the perspectives of history, history didactics and museum education. On the second day, there will be various sections, for example on the use of oral history in history lessons. On the third day, the work from the sections will be presented and the potential of oral history for history teaching will be discussed.  

Further information can be found on the flyer.

  • Theresa Hiller, Marcel Mierwald: "MiBLabor. Digitales historisches Lernen mit Zeitzeugenberichten zum deutschen Steinkohlenbergbau" - Workshop mit asynchroner und synchroner Phase im Rahmen des RUB Teachers Day digital vom 26.-31. Oktober 2020.
  • Theresa Hiller: "Menschen im Bergbau' und Migration. Oral History-Interviews als Quellen für Migrationsgeschichte" im Rahmen der Summer School "Migration, Inklusion und Marginalisierung. Transnationale Geschichte(n) der Mobilität" am 21. September 2020.
  • Theresa Hiller: "MiBLabor. Digitales Lernen mit Oral History-Interviews zum Steinkohlenbergbau" im Rahmen des digitalen geschichtsdidaktischen Forschungskolloquiums der Universität Duisburg-Essen am 16. Juni 2020.