• The workshop "Public History in der Lehre" was held at the Ruhr-Universität on 2-3 December 2019. Under the direction of Christian Bunnenberg and Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF Potsdam), the participants discussed the experiences and perspectives of the various public history programmes in Germany. You can find the conference proceedings here.
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg was invited to give a talk on virtual reality and history education at the conference "Offene Archive 2.4 + ArchivCamp" (4-5 November 2019, BStU Berlin). The talk is documented on the YouTube channel of the "Offene Archive" initiative: (last access on 4 December 2019).
  • The Public History lecture series started on 15 October 2019. We are looking forward to a varied programme with exciting lectures and discussions!
  • 16 October 2019: Following an invitation by the communications agency Birke und Partner GmbH, Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg will discuss the topic “Wie wa(h)r das nochmal? Die Realität der Vergangenheit" [What was that again? The reality of the past]  in in the new premises of PUMA. A guided tour through the company's history takes place beforehand.
  • 25 September 2019: Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg is part of a panel discussion on the topic "History for Future. Teaching History online" at the Tränenpalast (Berlin). The event is organised by the Haus der Geschichte and the Deutsches Historisches Museum on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the educational platform LeMO. Katrin Glinka (scientific project management of Museum 4.0 at the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) and Meike Rosenplänter (Deutschlandfunk Nova, editor of “Eine Stunde History”) will participate in the talk.
  • 17 September 2019: Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg takes part in the conference "The wider View. Forschen - Lehren - Lernen an öffentlichen Orten" (Münster) with the Lecture „Digitale Zeitreisen an historische Orte? Geschichtsdidaktische Potentialanalyse virtueller Lernorte (Virtual Reality)” [Digital time travel to historical places? Historical-didactic potential analysis of virtual places of learning (Virtual Reality)] 
  • In the summer semester another advanced seminar (didactics) was held on site from 11-14 June 2019 under the title “Die Schlacht von Wörth vom 6. August 1870 – Ereignis und Erinnerung" [The Battle of Wörth on 6 August 1870 - Event and Memory] 
  • On 7-8 March 2019, a workshop of students and young professionals in the Applied History / Public History working group at the VHD was held in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg at the Ruhr Universität Bochum. Topic: "Alle Jahre wieder - Geschichte zu Jubiläen und Gedenktagen" [Year after year - History for anniversaries and memorial days]. Keynote: Prof. Dr. Achim Landwehr (Düsseldorf).