Duration: 2020-2021
The project "Kriegsgezwitscher” aims to (re)tell the story of the Franco-German War of 1870/71 on the Twitter account @Krieg7071.In a so-called "Reentweetment" the events are told from different perspectives in real time, accurate to the day, the hour or ideally the minute - only 150 years later. The followers of the Twitter account will thus be able to gain insights into the war and the experiences and perceptions of the contemporaries. At the same time, the possibilities of chronological presentation on Twitter are being used in order to make the war, with its turbulent and dense series of events as well as uneventful periods, comprehensible in its temporal dimension.
The tweets on the Twitter account @Krieg7071 are based on contemporary sources from people involved and other texts that allow contextualisation. The project is realised by Prof. Dr. Tobias Arand (PH Ludwigsburg), Prof. Dr. Christian Bunnenberg and students from Ludwigsburg and Bochum.
Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Tobias Arand (PH Ludwigsburg)
In the first APUZ issue in 2021 with the theme "150 Years of the Founding of the German Empire," Christian Bunnenberg writes about "Eine Möglichkeit von vielen. Die Reichsgründung und ihre Vorgeschichte". Click here to go to the article or to the entire issue.