RUB » Master course EELP » Application

Application and Admission

About 20 students will be admitted to the programme “Ethics, Economics, Law and Politics“ (EELP) each winter semester (start in October each year).

International students please submit your application until July, 15th online at the central application portal (it will be open expected first week of June!): Application

Late admission will not be considered. You can find further information at the international student service.

For the application you need the following documents (upload):

  • Bachelor-Diploma or higher (see ‘admission’)
  • Transcript of Records with an explanation of grades and credit points
  • Application essay (see ‘admission’)
  • Language certificates: English (accepted: TOEFL paper-based test 550/TOEFL computer-based test 230/TOEFL internet-based test 88, CPE (grades A - C), CAE (grades A - C), IELTS (bands 9 - 6)



For the admission a first degree (university or college of higher education; for example Bachelor Degree, licentiate degree, state examination) in philosophy, economics, law or social science is required. If the Bachelor programme consisted of two subjects, 65 ECTS must have been acquired in one of the relevant subjects of the EELP programme. An admission without certificated diploma is possible to avoid long waiting periods, if all examinations are already completed. A language certificate is required (see above).

The application essay (maximum 6 pages) must be divided into two sections: 1) content-related essay (4-5 pages), 2) letter of motivation (1 page).

In the content-related essay is supposed to show that you can independently discuss one of the focus topics of the degree programme (globalisation and justice, market and morality, climate change and responsibility, welfare and dignity, migration and rights as well as digitalisation and self-determination). The essay serves to determine whether you have a special aptitude for the EELP program. Special attention is paid to whether you are able to develop your own problem in one of the focus topics of the program, whether you can take into account and connect normative and analytic-descriptive aspects, whether you are able to structure your own essay in an easily accessible format and to articulate the essay in a both generally comprehensible and academically adequate language, and whether generally accepted academic standards are observed. The arguments and analyses presented must be clearly substantiated by citing sources! There are no specifications regarding the format of the application essay.

In the letter of motivation, applicants should briefly and precisely explain why they would like to study the interdisciplinary MA programme EELP.



Candidates who attend the frist university degree in Germany submit the application documents (see above) and a CV (all documents as pdf) directly to the study programme office MA EELP via email ( until July 08th each year. Missing certificates you can hand in until September 30th each year.

Alternatively, you can send your application as hard copy via post:

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

MA Studiengang EELP/ Marcus Reinecke

GD E1/ 159 (Postfach 83)

44780 Bochum