The team develops, implements and evaluates a core curriculum for the training of future police officers and teachers so that they can counter anti-Semitism in a preventive and repressive manner. To this end, a psychometrically validated digital large-scale test is first used to assess the attitudes and knowledge of the target groups on the topics of anti-Semitism and Jewish life. This allows the curriculum to be better tailored. In addition, police and teaching staff learn how to intervene appropriately in cases of anti-Semitism.
Project duration: 10.2021 - 09.2025
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project partners:
With the HiTCH project (Historical Thinking Competencies in History), funded by the BMBF from 2012 to 2015, a standardized test instrument was developed and tested to record the historical competencies of 15-year-old students in large-scale assessments (Trautwein et al. , 2017).
The HiTCH project group with history educators from Germany, Austria and Switzerland is currently working on the further development of this instrument under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein (Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research, Tübingen). Prof. Dr. Nicola Brauch and Dr. des. Marcel Mierwald participates in HiTCH 3. 0.
Development of a large-scale test to test the historical competencies of 15-year-old students