Canadian Studies Centre Ruhr » Quellensammlung » Britisch Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert

Der Vertrag von Fort Niagara, 1764

A treaty to stabilize relations between the British and Native Americans as well as to provide a basis for the solution of upcoming problems

[Seal of Wax] By the Honorable Sir William Johnson Baronet, His Majestys sole agent and superintendant of the affairs of the Northern Indians of North America, Colonel of the six United Nations their allies and dependants &c., &c., &c. To OGemawnee a Chief of the Menominys Nation: Whereas I have received from the officers who commanded the Out posts as well as from other persons an account of your good behaviour last year in protecting the Officers, Soldiers, &c., of the Garrison of La Bay, and in escorting them down to Montreal as also the Effects of the Traders to a large amount, and you having likewise entered into the strongest Engagement of Friendship for the English before me at this place, I do therefore give you This Testimony of my Esteem for your Services and Good behaviour. Given under my hand & Seal at Arms at Niagara the first day of August, 1764. WM. JOHNSON.


Library of Congress: Pioneering the Upper Midwest


Das Abkommen belegt die Beziehungen zwischen Briten und den Ureinwohnern der Region um die westlichen Großen Seen. Gleichzeitig wird den indianischen Stämmen die Anerkennung ihrer Dienste für die Briten ausgedrückt. Der Vertrag ging aus dem Niagara Congress vom Juli 1764 hervor, an dem 24 Nationen der Ureinwohner sowie königliche Beamte teilnahmen. Zu diesem Treffen versammelten sich über 2000 Menschen.