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(prM) Originalarbeit in peer-reviewed, Medline oder Web of Science-gelistetem Journal
(prnM) Originalarbeit in peer-reviewed, nicht Medline-gelistetem Journal
(a) Publiziertes abstract
(V) Vortrag auf wissenschaftl. Kongress
(B) Buchkapitel

Hölzer J. Lufthygiene. Hyg Med 2023; 48 (12):D73–D81 (prnM)

Kolbe, A., Hölzer, J. (2023). Umweltepidemiologische Studien zu PFAS. Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox. 29(3): 73-77. (prnM)

Rathjens, J, Kolbe, A, Hölzer, J, Ickstadt, K, Klein, N, Rathjens, Jonathan. 2024. Bivariate Analysis of Birth Weight and Gestational Age by Bayesian Distributional Regression with Copulas. Statistics in Biosciences 16(1): 290-317. 1867-1764. DOI: 10.1007/s12561-023-09396-4. (prM)

Schümann, M., Lilienthal, H., Hölzer, J. (2021). Human biomonitoring (HBM)-II values for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) - Description, derivation and discussion. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 121. DOI: j.yrtph.2021.104868. (prM)

Hölzer, J., Lilienthal, H., Schümann, M. (2021). Human Biomonitoring (HBM)-I values for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) - Description, derivation and discussion. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 121. DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2021.104862. (prM)

Rathjens, J., Becker, E., Kolbe, A., Ickstadt, K., Hölzer, J. (2020). Spatial and temporal analyses of perfluorooctanoic acid in drinking water for external exposure assessment in the Ruhr metropolitan area, Germany The 'PerSpat'-Project. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment: 17. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-020-01932-8.(prM)

Rathjens, J., Becker, E., Kolbe, A., Olthoff, K., Bergmann, S., Ickstadt, K., Hölzer, J. (2019). Spatio-temporal data modelling and prediction of PFOA drinking water contamination. Environmental epidemiology: an official journal of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 3(Supplement 1): 327. (a)

Rathjens, J., Becker, E., Kolbe, A., Olthoff, K., Bergmann, S., Hölzer, J., Ickstadt, K. (2019). Spatio-temporal smoothing of drinking water contamination data. 5th joint statistical meeting, march 18-22, Munich: DAGStat 2019; statistics under one umbrella; book of abstracts: 91. (V,a)

Kolbe, A., Rathjens, J., Becker, E., Bücker-Nott, H., Ickstadt, K., Hölzer, J. (2019). PFOA exposure assessment in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, linking birth registry data with tap water concentrations. Environmental epidemiology: an official journal of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 3(Supplement 1): 212. (V,a)

Kasper-Sonnenberg, M., Wittsiepe, J., Wald, K., Koch, H. M., Wilhelm, M. Pre-pubertal exposure with phthalates and bisphenol A and pubertal development. PLOS ONE. Doi:10.1371/joutnal.pone.0187922 November 20, 2017 (prM)

Lilienthal, H., Dieter, H., Hölzer, J., Wilhelm, M. Recent experimental results of effects of perfluoroalkyl substances in laboratory animals – Relation to current regulations an guidance values. Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 220 (2017) 766-775 (prM)

Schwedler, G., Seiwert, M., Fiddicke, U., Ißleb, S., Hölzer, J., Nendza, J., Wilhelm, M., Wittsiepe, J., Koch, H. M., Schindler, B. K., Göen, Th., Hildebrand, J., Joas, R., Joas, A., Casteleyn, L., Angerer, J., Castano, A., Esteban, M., Schoeters, G., Den Hond, E., Sepai, O., Exley, K., Bloemen, L., Knudsen, L. E., Kolossa-Gehring, M. Human biomintoring pilot study DEMOCOPHES in Germany: Contrubution to a harmonizend European approach. Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 220 (2017) 686-696 (prM)

Lubczyńska, M. J., Sunyer, J., Tiemeier, H., Porta D., Kasper-Sonnenberg, M., Jaddoe, V.W.V.,
Basagaña, X., Dalmau-Bueno, A., Forastiere, F., Wittsiepe, J., Hoffmann, B., Nieuwenhuijsen, M.,
Hoek, G., de Hoogh, K., Brunekreef, B., Guxens, M. Exposure to elemental composition of outdoor PM2.5 at birth and cognitive and psychomotor function in childhood in four European birth cohorts. Environ. International 109 (2017) 170-180 (prM)

Leifels, M., Hamza, I. A., Krieger, M., Wilhelm, M., Mackowiak, M., Jurzik, L.
From Lab to Lake – Evaluation of Current Molecular Methods for the Detection of Infectious Enteric Viruses in Complex Water Matrices in an Urban Area: PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167105 November 23, 2016 (prM)

Muchesa, P., Leifels, M., Jurzik, L., Barnard, T. G., Bartie, C. Free-living amoebae isolated from a hospital water system in South Africa: a potential source of nosocomial and occupational infection. Water Science & Technology 16 (2016) 70-78 (prM)

Muchesa, P., Leifels, M., Jurzik, L., Hoorzook, K. B., Barnard, T. G., Bartie, C. Coexistence of free-living amoebae and bacteria in selected South African hospital water distribution systems. Parasitol Res. 116 (2016) 155-156, doi: 10.1007/s00436-016-5271-3 (prM)

Timm, Ch., Luther, St., Jurzik, L., Hamza, I. A., Kistemann, Th. Applying QMRA and DALY to assess health risks from river bathing. Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 219 (2016) 681–692 (prM)

Kolbe, A, Rathjens, J, Becker, E, Bücker-Nott, H, Olthoff, K, Wilhelm, M, Ickstadt, K, Hölzer, J (2016). Exposure to PFOA and birth outcome in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Abstract P2-193. In: Abstracts of the 2016 Epidemiology (ISEE). Environmental Health Perspectives., zuletzt abgerufen am 3.3.2017 (a)

Rathjens J, Becker E, Bücker-Nott H, Goeken N, Hölzer J, Ickstadt K, Kolbe A, Wilhelm, M: Spatial Modelling for Birth Weights, PFASs Water Contamination, and Their Dependence, Vortrag DAGStat 15.3.2016, Bereich Small Area Analysis and Spatial Statistics, Göttingen. (V)

Mogwitz U., Göen T., Binder G., Goeken N., Joswig M., Wilhelm M., (2015). Markers of pubertal development among children exposed to Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). Environmental toxicology in North Rhine-Westphalia - EnTox Scientific Symposium, 8.5.2015, Dortmund (V)

Joswig M, Mogwitz U, Göen T, Binder, G, Goeken N, Wilhelm M, (2015). PFAS - Biomonitoring among the Lake Möhne anglers’ cohort – 4 years follow-up. Environmental toxicology in North Rhine-Westphalia - EnTox Scientific Symposium, 8.5.2015, Dortmund. (V)

Goeken N, Ickstadt K, Schäfer M, Bücker-Nott H, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J. Statistical approaches to evaluating the association between mother’s exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and birth outcome in North-Rhine Westphalia. Environ Health Perspect 2013.Abstracts of the 2013 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), August 19–23, 2013, Basel, Switzerland., zuletzt abgerufen am 27.10.2013. (a)

Goeken N, Ickstadt K, Bücker-Nott H, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J. Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung erhöhter Expositionen gegenüber perfluorierten Verbindungen im Trinkwasser auf die menschliche Gesundheit – eine räumliche Analyse geburtshilflicher Daten in NRW. Das Gesundheitswesen 2013, 75(4): P65. (a)

Goeken N, Ickstadt K, Bücker-Nott H, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J. Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung erhöhter Expositionen gegenüber perfluorierten Verbindungen im Trinkwasser auf die menschliche Gesundheit - eine räumliche Analyse geburtshilflicher Daten in NRW. German Medical Science (GMS) Publishing House 2013; DOI: (a)

Weiß O, Wiesmüller G A, Bunte A, Göen T, Schmidt C K, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J. Perfluorinated compounds in the vicinity of a fire training area - Human biomonitoring among 10 persons drinking water from contaminated private wells in Cologne, Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environ-mental Health 2012, 215(2): 212-215. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2011.08.016 (prM)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Schaub S, Brede E, Müller J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Reupert R, Kleeschulte P, Wilhelm M. Biomonitoring of PFAA in adults and children exposed to contaminated drinking water in Germany—Results of the recent follow-up studies. Reproductive Toxicology 2012, 33(4): 614. (a)

Hölzer J, Herr C. GHUP-Ausschuss „Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung“. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2012, 17(5): 295. (a)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Just P, Reupert R, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Müller J, Wilhelm M. Perfluorinated Compounds in Fish and Blood of Anglers at Lake Möhne, Sauerland Area, Germany. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 8046-8052. DOI: 10.1021/es104391z. (prM)

Kasper-Sonnenberg M, Sugiri D, Wurzler S, Ranft U, Dickel H, Wittsiepe J, Hölzer J, Lemm F, Eberwein G, Altmeyer P, Kraft M, Krämer U, Wilhelm M. Prevalence of nickel sensitization and urinary nickel content of children are increased by nickel in ambient air. Environmental Research 2011, 111 (2), 266-273. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2010.11.006. (prM)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Grühn P, Ehrhardt J. P., Müller J, Just P, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Wilhelm M. Exposure of Lake Möhne anglers to perfluorinated compounds – one year follow-up. Environmental Health Perspectives Collections: Abstracts of the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), September 13–16, 2011, Barcelona, Spain., zuletzt abgerufen am 22.2.2013. (a)

Hölzer J, Müller J, Schaub S, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Göen T, Wilhelm M. Biomonitoring of Perfluorinated Compounds in Anglers. Epidemiology 2011, 22 (1), S234-S234. (a)

Hölzer J, Brede E, Müller J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Reupert R, Kleeschulte P, Göen T, Wilhelm M. Follow-up of Residents Exposed to Perfluorooctanoic Acid-contaminated Drinking Water in Germany. Epidemiology 2011, 22 (1), S102-S102. (a)

Grühn P, Wilhelm M, Göen T, Just P, Ehrhardt J P, Müller J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Hölzer J. Belastung von Fischen und Anglern an der Möhnetalsperre – Ergebnisse einer Follow-up Untersuchung. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2011, 16(5): 276. (a)

Wilhelm M, Hölzer J. Human Biomonitoring of Perfluorinated Compounds. In: Knepper TP, Lange FT (Hrsg.): Polyfluorinated Chemicals and Transformation Products. Handbook Environmental Chemistry, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011). ISBN: 3642218725. (B)

Brede E, Wilhelm M, Göen T, Müller J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Hölzer J. Two-year follow-up biomonitoring pilot study of residents' and controls' PFC plasma levels after PFOA reduction in public water system in Arnsberg, Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2010, 213 (3), 217-223. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2010.03.007. (prM)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Reupert R, Schaub S, Brede E, Wutschke D, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Kleeschulte P, Müller J, Wilhelm M. Humanbiomonitoring perfluorierter Verbindungen aus Anlass der Trinkwasserkontamination im Hochsauerland - Ergebnisse der Zweijahres-Follow up-Studie. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2010, 15(5): 259. (a)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Angerer J, Kleeschulte P, Wilhelm M. One-year follow-up of perfluorinated compounds in plasma of German residents from Arnsberg formerly exposed to PFOA-contaminated drinking water. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2009, 212 (5), 499-504. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2009.04.003. (prM)

Wilhelm M, Angerer J, Fromme H, Hölzer J. Contribution to the evaluation of reference values for PFOA and PFOS in plasma of children and adults from Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2009, 212 (1), 56-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.11.002. (prM)

Wilhelm M, Hölzer J, Dobler L, Rauchfuss K, Midasch O, Kraft M, Angerer J, Wiesmüller G. Preliminary observations on perfluorinated compounds in plasma samples (1977-2004) of young German adults from an area with perfluorooctanoate-contaminated drinking water. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2009, 212 (2), 142-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2008.04.008. (prM)

Hölzer J. Biomonitoring of PFAA in adults and children exposed to contaminated drinking water—A European perspective. Reproductive Toxicology 2009, 27: 412-413. (M,V)

Angerer J, Koch H, Ewers U, Hölzer J, Brüning T, Wilhelm M. Current Relevance of New Biomarkers for Inclusion into HBM Surveillance Studies. Epidemiology 2009; 20(6):S242-S. doi: 10.1097/01.ede.0000362810.51119.74 (a)

Wilhelm M, Göen T, Angerer J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Kleeschulte P, Hölzer J. German Residents Exposed to PFOA-Contaminated Drinking Water: One Year Follow Up. Epidemiology 2009, 20 (6), S118-S118. DOI: 10.1097/01.ede.0000362408.03548.f8. (a)

Hölzer J, Göen T, Schaub S, Müller J, Rauchfuss K, Boll E, Greshake M, Kraft M, Wilhelm M. Die innere Belastung zweier Anglerkollektive mit perfluorierten Verbindungen. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2009, 14(5): 261. (a)

Kasper-Sonnenberg M, Dickel H, Sugiri D, Wurzler S, Lemm F, Wittsiepe J, Eberwein G, Hölzer J, Ranft U, Kraft M, Altmeyer P, Wilhelm M. Erhöhte Risiken für allergische Erkrankungen bei 5-6 Jahre alten Kindern unter dem Einfluss von erhöhten Nickelbelastungen in der Luft an Belastungsstandorten in NRW. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2009, 14(5): 265. (a)

Hölzer J, Midasch O, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Reupert R, Angerer J, Kleeschulte P, Marschall N, Wilhelm M. Biomonitoring of perfluorinated compounds in children and adults exposed to perfluorooctanoate-contaminated drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008, 116 (5), 651-657. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.11064. (prM)

Hölzer J, Voss B, Karroum S, Hildmann H, Wilhelm M. A comparative study of chemically induced DNA damage in isolated nasal mucosa cells of humans and rats assessed by the alkaline comet assay. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues 2008, 71 (13-14), 936-946. DOI: 10.1080/15287390801988954. (prM)

Wilhelm M, Kraft M, Rauchfuss K, Hölzer J. Assessment and management of the first German case of a contamination with perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in the region Sauerland, North Rhine-Westphalia. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues 2008, 71 (11-12), 725-733. DOI: 10.1080/15287390801985216. (prM)

Hölzer J, Midasch O, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Kleeschulte P, Angerer J, Wilhelm M. Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA)-Contaminated Drinking Water Resulted in Increased PFOA Plasma Concentrations-a Biomonitoring Study from Arnsberg, Germany. Epidemiology 2008, 19 (6), S112-S112. (a)

Eberwein G, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J, Gladtke D, Ring J, Ranft U. Industrial pollution and children's health - Hot spot studies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Epidemiology 2008, 19 (1), S218-S218. (a)

Wilhelm M, Hölzer J, Rauchfuss K, Kraft M, Fürst P, Wiesmüller G, Angerer J. First Steps in Exposure Assessment and Management Among the PFC Case in Arnsberg, Germany. Epidemiology 2008, 19 (6), S151-S152. (a)
Kasper-Sonnenberg M, Hölzer J, Eberwein G, Kraft M, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei 5- bis 6-jährigen Kindern in Duisburg, NRW. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2008, 13(5): 285. (a)

Kasper-Sonnenberg M, Sugiri D, Hölzer J, Eberwein G, Kraft M, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. Duisburger Kinderstudie Umwelt und Gesundheit 2004/2005 (DUKS): Prävalenzen von Atemwegs- und atopischen Erkrankungen und Einfluss von Luftschadstoffen bei 5- bis 6-jährigen Kindern. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2008, 13(5): 284-285. (a)

Hölzer J, Midasch O, Rauchfuss K, Schaub S, Kasper-Sonnenberg M, Greshake M, Lemm F, Kraft M, Kleeschulte P, Müller J, Angerer J, Wilhelm M. Humanbiomonitoring perfluorierter Verbindungen aus Anlass der Trinkwasserkontamination im Hochsauerland – weitere Ergebnisse. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2008, 13(5): 307-308. (a)

Wilhelm M, Eberwein G, Hölzer J, Gladtke D, Angerer J, Marczynski B, Behrendt H, Ring J, Sugiri D, Ranft U. Influence of industrial sources on children's health - Hot spot studies in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2007, 210 (5), 591-599. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.02.007. (prM)

Wilhelm M, Ewers U, Wittsiepe J, Fürst P, Hölzer J, Eberwein G, Angerer J, Marczynski B, Ranft U. Human biomonitoring studies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2007, 210 (3-4), 307-318. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.01.039. (prM)

Kraft M; Bernsmann T; Hölzer J; Rauchfuss K; Wilhelm M. Belastung der Umwelt und ausgewählter Bevölkerungsgruppen mit Perfluorierten Verbindungen im Sauerland, Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2007, 12, (5), 276-277. (a)

Hölzer J; Midasch O; Rauchfuss K; Kasper-Sonnenberg M; Kraft M; Marschall N; Kleeschulte P; Müller J; Angerer J; Wilhelm M. Innere Belastung von Mutter-Kind-paaren und Männern in Gebieten erhöhter Trinkwaserbelastung mit Perfluorierten Verbindungen ("PFT"), Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2007, 12, (5), 277. (a)

Stöhr G, Lübbers K, Wilhelm M, Hölzer J, Ohmann C. Aluminum load in ICU patients during stress ulcer prophylaxis. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2006, 17 (8), 561-566. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejim.2006.07.014. (prM)

Hölzer J, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Gladtke D, Kraft M, Angerer J, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. PAH-Metabolites (Hydroxyphenanthrenes) and oxidative DNA adducts (8-OxodGuo) in mothers living in the vicinity of a coke oven plant. Epidemiology 2006, 17 (6), S177-S178. (a)

Wilhelm M, Eberwein G, Hölzer J, Begerow J, Sugiri D, Gladtke D, Ranft U. Human biomonitoring of cadmium and lead exposure of child-mother pairs from Germany living in the vicinity of industrial sources (Hot Spot Study NRW). Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2005, 19 (1), 83-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2005.07.003. (prM)

Schneider O, Hölzer J, Makil B, Kirnapci M, Wilhelm M, Adamietz I A. Identification of risk-collectives through examination of DNA reparation by means of microarticular electrophoresis (Comet Assay) at the model of radiation-induced pneumonitis. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2005, 181, 31. (a)

Hölzer J, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. DNA-Exposition bei Kindern und Müttern eines industrienahen Wohngebietes – zur Eignung des Comet Assays und der 8-oxodGuo-Bestimmung in umweltepidemiologischen Studien. Umweltmed Forsch Prax 2005, 10(5): 347. (a)

Hölzer J, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Gladtke D, Angerer J, Rossbach B, Ranft U, Kraft M, Wilhelm M. Immission (B[a]p, Schwebstaub, Nickel), innere Belastung (PAK-Metabolite) und DNA-Exposition (Comet Assay, 8-oxodGuo) bei Kindern und Müttern eines industrienahen Wohngebietes, Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2004, 9, (4), 205. (a)

Hölzer J; Marczynski B; Eberwein G; Ranft U; Wilhelm M., DNA-Effektmarker in weißen Blutzellen von Kindern und Müttern, Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2003, 8, (4), 195. (a)

Hölzer J, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Rossbach B, Gladtke D, Kraft M, Sibai M, Angerer J, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. DNA-Strangbrüche in Lymphozyten bei Müttern und Kindern aus einem Wohngebiet in Kokerei-Nähe - ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse des Comet Assays mit Daten des Ambient Monitoring, Biomonitoring und anamnestischer Erhebungen. Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 2003, 38: 150-151. (a)

Marczynski B, Rihs H P, Rossbach B, Hölzer J, Angerer J, Scherenberg M, Hoffmann G, Brüning T, Wilhelm M. Analysis of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2 '-deoxyguanosine and DNA strand breaks in white blood cells of occupationally exposed workers: comparison with ambient monitoring, urinary metabolites and enzyme polymorphisms. Carcinogenesis 2002, 23 (2), 273-281. DOI: 10.1093/carcin/23.2.273. (prM)

Hölzer J, Stiller-Winkler R, Lemm F, Witzke N, Ewers U, Idel H, Wilhelm M. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms in school children and salivary IgA - an epidemiological study in a rural area of Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2002, 205 (4), 309-319. DOI: 10.1078/1438-4639-00154. (prM)

Marczynski B, Rihs H P, Rossbach B, Hölzer J, Scherenberg M, Angerer J, Hoffmann G, Kahl K, Bräu-Dümler C, Etzler K, Brüning T, Wilhelm M. Analysis of biomarkers of effect and susceptibility in white blood cells of PAH-exposed workers: Comparison with ambient monitoring and urinary metabolites. Toxicology Letters (Shannon) 2002, 135 (Suppl. 1), S54-S55. (a)

Marczynski B, Rossbach B, Hölzer J, Scherenberg M, Angerer J, Hoffmann G, Kahl K, Brau-Dumler C, Etzler K, Brüning T, Wilhelm M. Association between markers of effect in white blood cells, ambient monitoring and urinary metabolites of PAH-exposed workers. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 2002, 365: R158-R158. (a)

Eberwein G, Begerow J, Sugiri S, Kraemer U, Hölzer J, Wilhelm M, Ranft U. Nickel-Ausscheidung im Urin bei Mutter-Kind-Paaren in unterschiedlich belasteten Regionen: Eine epidemiologische Querschnittstudie als Beitrag zur Referenzwertevaluation, Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2002, 7, (4), 192-194. (a)

Hölzer J, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Rossbach B, Sibai M, Angerer J, Ranft U, Wilhelm M. DNA-Schädigungen in peripheren Lymphozyten von PAK-belasteten Kindern und Müttern, Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2002, 7, (4), 190. (a)

Rihs I, Hölzer J, Sirtl C, Wilhelm M. Surveillance nosokomialer Infektionen als Bestandteil der Qualitätssicherung auf Intensivstationen, Hyg. Med. 2002, 27, (Supl. 1), 53. (a)

Marczynski B, Hölzer J, Wilhelm M. Studies of 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosin: A Biomarker for oxidative DNA damage in-vivo? In: Biological Monitoring. Perspects in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, WILEY-VCH, DFG, 68-77 (2002). ISBN: 978-3-527-27795-7. (B)

Wilhelm M, Hölzer J, Lübbers K, Stöhr G, Ohmann C. Aluminum balance in intensive care patients. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2001, 14 (4), 223-227. DOI: 10.1016/s0946-672x(01)80006-7. (prM)

Hölzer J, Merkel G, Lemm F, Witzke N, Ewers U, Wilhelm M. Quantification of children's ex¬posure to environmental tobacco smoke: Questionnaire versus nicotine-/cotinine-analysis in urine and hair. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2001, 204 (4), 288. (a)

Marczynski B, Hölzer J, Rossbach B, Scherenberg M, Angerer J, Hoffmann G, Wilhelm M. Association between DNA strand breaks and 8-hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine adducts in white blood cells of PAH-exposed workers. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 2001, 363 (4), R152-R152. (a)
Marczynski B, Rossbach B, Hölzer J, Angerer J, Wilhelm M. DNA strand breaks and 8-oxo-2-deoxyguanosine formation in white blood cells of PAH-exposed workers. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2001, 204 (4), 280. (a)

Marczynski B, Rossbach B, Hölzer J, Scherenberg M, Angerer J, Hoffmann G, Wilhelm M. Oxidative DNA damage in white blood cells of workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Toxicology 2001, 164 (1-3), 103-104. (a)

Wilhelm M, Marczynski B, Eberwein G, Hölzer J, Rossbach B, Neuhann F, Sibai M, Angerer J, Ranft U. DNA strand breaks in lymphocytes and PAH-metabolites in urine of children and mothers in Germany. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2001, 204 (4), 287. (a)

Marczynski B, Hölzer J, Rossbach B, Scherenberg M, Angerer J, Hoffmann G, Wilhelm M. Oxidative DNA Schädigung in weißen Blutzellen bei PAK-exponierten Arbeitern, Zentralbl. Arbeitsmed. Arbeitsschutz Ergon. 2001, 51, P 73. (a)

Marczynski B, Hölzer J, Wilhelm M. Untersuchungen zum 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosin – ein Biomarker für eine oxidative DNA-Schädigung in-vivo?, In: Biological Monitoring. Heutige und künftige Möglichkeiten in der Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, WILEY-VCH, DFG, 70-79 (2001). ISBN: 3-527-27410-3. (B)

Marczynski B, Hölzer J, Rossbach B, Angerer J, Wilhelm M. Oxidative damage in white blood cells of workers in a graphite-electode-producing plant. Toxicology Letters (Shannon) 2000, 116 (Suppl. 1), 27. (a)

Marczynski B, Scherenberg M, Hölzer J, Schlösser S, Hoffmann G, Wilhelm M. 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine and strand breaks formation in white blood cell DNA of workers highly exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. 2000, 361, (4, Supl. 1), R 156. (a)

Marczynski B, Scherenberg M, Hölzer J, Schlösser S, Hoffmann G, Wilhelm M. Untersuchungen genotoxischer Effekte in weißen Blutzellen bei PAK-exponierten Arbeitern, Zentralbl. Arbeitsmed. Arbeitsschutz Ergon. 2000, 54-55. (a)

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