

  Name Current affiliation/position
  Prof. Dr. Grazyna Antzcak Wroclaw University, Poland
  Dr. Maciej Bazarnik University of Hamburg, Germany
  Dr. Abhijit Bera Midnapore College, India
  Dr. Cord Bertram University of Duisburg Essen


Dr. Jan Haubrich German Aerospace Center
DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Institut für Werkstoff-Forschung
  Dr. Tianluo Pan Southern University of Science and Technology, China
  Dr. Yumin Wang KIT Karlsruhe, Germany


  Name Current affiliation/position


 Dr. Sarah-Charlotta Heidorn Medical physicist at Klinikum Traunstein
  Dr. Jörg Henzl Johnsons Control
  Dr. Fatih Kalkan Viscom
  Dr. Karsten Lucht Raith GmbH
  Dr. Michael Mehlhorn PHYWE
  Dr. Jayita Patwari Associate Editor, Material Science and Physics at Wiley
  Dr. Violeta Simic-Milosevic SPECS GmbH
  Dr. Huy Quang Vu Sr. Li-ion Cell
Development Engineer/
Vinfast LLC


 Dr. Christopher Zaum Continental


  Name Current affiliation/position


Dr. Gerogijs Bakradze  
  Dr. Heiko Gawronski Gymnasium Lemwerder
  Dr. Xin Ge  
  Dr. Tingh-chieh Hung  
  Dr. David Krüger Gymnasium Bremervörde
  Dr. Michael Vyshnepolsky  


Dr. Irene Weber
  Adam Wykrota Omikron