The RTG provides high quality, state-of-the-art education based on the experience of the senior PIs and the scientific enthusiasm from all, but in particular from the younger PIs. The education is tailored to the specific needs of each doctoral candidate. The RTG is embedded in three established graduate schools of the RUB, the International Graduate School of Bioscience (IGB) of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, the International Graduate School of Neurosciences (IGSN) and the campus-wide RUB Research School (RS) (see below). These graduate schools officially overarch MoNN&Di. The doctoral degree/PhD will be granted by the IGSN and the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology (IGB). While these graduate schools offer specific elements of education for doctoral candidates, which are integrated into the qualification program of RTG when complementary, the RTG will offer a highly specific training programme for scientific excellence in general, but for Neuroscience in particular. The goal is to guide the doctoral candidates within the RTG from the early mentoring phase to a later phase where they will be highly independent within a time period of up to four years.
The four-year qualification programme of the RTG will guarantee that the doctoral candidates will be scientifically educated to be highly competitive and successful in their next career step either in academic or non-academic environment.
Crediting of qualification measures
Our training programme combines lectures, seminars, courses, workshops and retreats from the established training programmes of the three different research schools at the RUB, i.e. the campus-wide interdisciplinary Research School, the international Graduate School in the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, and the International Graduate School of Neuroscience, and most importantly the training programme specifically tailored to the needs and interests of the research questions related to MoNN&Di. This training programme combines mandatory and optional modules where doctoral candidates have to earn 15 credits. The overall workload of the specific training program shall not exceed 5% of the overall training/research time of the doctoral candidates.