Ein internationales Studium, zwei Abschlüsse
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Questions and answers for international students

Ruhr-Universität Bochum is a home for international students from all over the world. Here you find all information for this group of students. If you have questions, please contact our International Office.

Summer semester 2022: Particularities and rules at RUB

What rules apply at RUB? (23 June 2022)

You can find the rules and recommendations for being on campus here.

I am planning my entry into Germany. What should I bear in mind?

Which entry requirements apply to me? (23 June 2022)

At the moment there are no special entry requirements.

Please check with your airline in advance whether further requirements apply!

You will automatically receive updated information regarding Corona via SMS upon entry which can also be found on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Health (limited information provided in English).

Detailed information on entering the Federal Republic of Germany can be found on the following websites:

The German Embassy requires a certificate of attendance (Präsenzbescheinigung). Where do I get this?

  • As the summer semester 2022 is to take place mainly in attendance, we can issue you with an attendance certificate if required. Please contact us at rubiss@rub.de.

After arrival in Germany: Corona rules in NRW, quarantine regulations, practical advice

Everyday corona life in Germany - what are the applicable rules NRW? (23 June 2022)

Masks are compulsory (FFP2 according to standard EN149, or medical mask according to standard EN14683) in:

  • in all indoor areas accessible to the public, e.g. doctors' surgeries, public authorities (Foreigners Office, Citizen's Office) etc.
  • in all public transportation (bus, train, subway, etc.) and at all train stations and subway stops
Do I have to be in quarantine after my arrival? (23 June 2022)

At the moment the is no quarantine obligation for people entering Germany.

What should I do if I have a positive test and/or corona symptoms? (23 June 2022)

If you have typical corona symptoms or have had contact with an infected person, get tested as soon as possible or do a self-test.

If the test is positive, you must have a PCR test carried out at a test centre or by your doctor. This is free of charge. Until you get the result, you must isolate yourself at home. Avoid all contact.

  • If the PCR test is negative, you can stop the isolation. We recommend that as long as you have symptoms, you still stay at home, be careful and test yourself regularly.
  • If your PCR test is also positive, please follow the rules that you can find here on the page of the city of Bochum: https://www.bochum.de/Corona/Quarantaene

Sometimes other regulations apply in other cities, so check with the city where you live.

I am enrolled at RUB, but I am still abroad. What do I have to consider?

Do I have to pay the social contribution fee? (23 June 2022)

In principle, every RUB student has to pay the social contribution. However, if you can prove that you were abroad for the entire semester, you can apply to the AstA for a refund of the NRW semester ticket by 15 September for the summer semester and by 15 March for the winter semester. You can find more information here.

Do I need a German health insurance? (23 June 2022)

When you wish to enrol, compulsory health insurance comes into effect. Therefore, you must present a German health insurance policy when you enrol.

The obligation to pay contributions comes into effect as soon as you enter Germany. This means that you only have to pay health insurance contributions as soon as you have entered Germany. Clarify this directly with your health insurance provider.

Further information:

Health insurance

Service for international students

Consultation and support

Admissions Office
If you have questions about your admission, please contact the Admissions Office directly.

Registrar's Office
If you have problems or questions about issues such as paying the social contribution fee, semester spent on leave etc. the Student Secretariat is responsible.

RUBiss team of the International Office
The RUBiss team provides support in social, cultural and university matters as well as in formal and legal matters. We support you throughout your studies.

At the beginning of each semester, we also offer an International Welcome for all new international students! Further information and registration here.

Every semester there are a variety of offers for international students. RUBiss offers a range of events with various (online) workshops or excursions where you get to know the campus, various RUB tools and also other international and local fellow students.

You can also find a lot of information about studying at RUB on the homepage of the International Office and in the Moodle course for international students.

Psychological Study Counselling
The Psychological Student Counselling Service offers support with various challenges in everyday study life and beyond. You can arrange individual consultations or use the (digital) open office hours to learn about new perspectives and work out solutions in professionally conducted, trusting conversations. Further information on the counselling services as well as workshops can be found here.

Study and financial counselling
The Central Student Advisory Service can advise you on topics such as changing your degree programme or doubts about your studies. In addition, the Financial Counselling Service advises on the various options for international students to finance their studies here in Germany (scholarship, part-time job, etc.).

Academic Advisor of your faculty
If you have specific questions about your degree programme, e.g. about the choice of courses for the next semester, please contact your study advisor. You can find your study advisor in this course list.

  • Exchange students: Contact the subject coordinators assigned to you by the International Office. You have received the contact details by e-mail together with your admissions. If you have any questions, please contact your contact person at the International Office.

Always up to date

Social Media

We inform you about news at the Ruhr-Universität, online events, such as the digital Sprachcafé, and much more!

Useful links
  • Corona Warning App (Website in German)
    The Corona Warning App is a service provided by the federal government that helps to determine whether you have had contact with an infected person and are at risk of contracting the virus.
  • Tagesschau
    The Tagesschau is a German public news programme that provides current news from Germany and all over the world.
  • Federal State of NRW
    You should also regularly check the homepage of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, as many rules are set by the individual federal states.
  • City of Bochum
    You can also find information on the current rules on the homepage of the city of Bochum.
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Study 2022
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