Offers for researchers

Here you will find the most important services for everyday scientific life at a glance.

Science news

Katze im Körbchen

We all know what it’s like when the penny suddenly drops. Animals too experience such moments of insight. They could prove useful for research, according to Ekrem Dere.

Poröses Dolomitgestein

Rocks undergo changes over millions of years. Yet it is possible to extract information from them about the climate at the time of their formation.

Forscherin im Labor

When water is split electrolytically, the result is typically hydrogen – and useless oxygen. Instead of oxygen, you can also produce a useful product. If you know how.

Wanja Wiese

Wanja Wiese explores which conditions must be met for consciousness to exist. At least one of them can’t be found in a computer.

Mann nimmt an einem Experiment am Computer teil

Pain is learned faster and in a more lasting way than other things. Although that makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, for people with chronic pain, it’s a problem.

Research funding

Our staff at the Research Office are happy to advise you on the choice of appropriate funding bodies for a research or transfer project.

RUB supports researchers who have significantly contributed to improving the university’s visibility in research and education on a global level.

More services for researchers

In the research portal you will find more helpful information, for example on how to apply for research funding, on the RUB’s publication guidelines, on support for research data management and on good scientific practice.

Research portal

In the service portal you will find forms, wizards for standard procedures, software and many other offers. The service portal has restricted access.

Service portal login (German)

Verschiedene Flaggen auf einem Tisch
For international guests
Welcome Centre

Industry and science

Ruhr University creates the perfect conditions for implementing scientific findings in the industry in good time.

Transfer portal


Vacancies at Ruhr University Bochum in academic positions from postdoc to W3 professorship are advertised at Stellenwerk Bochum. None of the ads is older than 28 days.

RUB’s Job portal

Your topic in the media

You will soon be publishing a high-ranking paper, you have acquired a new project or are about to complete a study, someone from the team has been awarded a prize? The RUB is happy to take up these occasions in order to report on them in public.

Public relations (German)

Reasearch focus areas

Cutting-edge research at Ruhr University is organised using flexible, interdisciplinary Research Departments (RD). Larger clusters are formed from the Research Departments, which are closely linked to each other and internationally, in order to investigate overarching research questions.

Research Departments
Research portal
All information about RUB
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