RUB » Women Professors Forum » Activities


The Women Professors Forum organizes regular networking activities for the female professors of the Ruhr-University Bochum.

WPF Network Meeting with special guest Ina Brandes

On November 16th, the Women Professors Forum (WPF) hosted a network meeting at the RUB Convention Centre, welcoming Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and WPF patroness, and the rectorate of the RUB.
Following an introduction to the WPF and its work given by WPF spokeswoman Prof. Konstanze Winklhofer and welcoming words from the rectorate, the participants of this WPF network meeting engaged in an active exchange about relevant topics regarding equality for women in academic careers with a focus on gender pay gap and scientific career paths. Thanks to Ina Brandes, the rectorate and everyone who participated in the discussion! This is an important step towards driving the discourse and promoting gender equality in science.


Hiking weekend

On October 8th 2023, WPFs yearly hiking weekend took place! Under the expert guidance of Prof. Petra Platen, familiar and new colleagues embarked on a memorable journey along the breathtaking Baldeneisteig trail. In the evening, the group convened for an engaging and interactive session led by Bochum-Coach Maria Wolf, delving into the intricacies of body language, emotions, and self-strengthening.


Diversity Day

On May 24th, the RUB celebrated its Diversity Day, which included the participation of the Women Professors Forum. As part of the Walk of Diversity, the WPF set up a booth where visitors had the opportunity to learn about the forum's work, meet female professors, and engage in meaningful discussions. One of the highlights at the WPF booth was a wishing tree, where individuals could openly express their needs and wishes as women at RUB. This interactive activity sparked conversations and provided a platform for sharing ideas and perspectives. The WPF will carefully consider and utilize the wishes collected during the event to explore relevant topics that are important to women at RUB. This input will contribute to shaping the forum's initiatives and activities in a way that best supports the needs of women at RUB. Thanks to everyone who participated for their enthusiastic engagement, we look forward to continuing open dialogue and fostering an inclusive environment at RUB.


Wanderwochenende am 02./03. Juli 2022 im Sauerländer Olsberg

Am 02./03. Juli 2022 fand endlich wieder ein Wanderwochenende statt! Bei herrlichem Wetter zogen bekannte und neue Kolleginnen unter der Leitung von Petra Platen durch die Sauerländer Berge und Wälder und nutzten am Abend die Gelegenheit, in moderierter Gesprächsrunde Erfahrungen zum Thema Mobbing/Bullying am Arbeitsplatz auszutauschen.
Auch im nächsten Jahr wird es auf Tour gehen: Petra Platen sich erfreulicherweise dazu bereit erklärt, auch in 2023 wieder eine Wanderung anzubieten.


Women Professors Lunch am 16. November 2022

Nach mehr als zweijähriger Pause lud das Excecutive Board am 16. November 2022 zum Women Professors Lunch ein - eine gute Gelegenheit, bei einem gemeinsamen Essen mit bekannten Kolleginnen wieder persönlich ins Gespräch zu kommen bzw. neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Neben dem Austausch über gemeinsame Themen und Aktivitäten, gewährte Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, Leiterin des Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship und innovative Geschäftsmodelle, in einem kurzweiligen Vortrag, spannende Einblicke in ihre Arbeit - Herzlichen Dank dafür!

Besuch beim Female Faculty Club an der TU Dortmund

Ende November folgten Nikol Rummel und Beate Bender einer Einladung des neugegründeten im Rahmen der 2. Assembly des Female Faculty Club der TU Dortmund, um den Erfahrungsaustausch und Schulterschluss zwischen den Professorinnennetzwerken unserer benachbarten Universitäten der UA Ruhr zu initiieren. Der Besuch beim Female Faculty Club hat gezeigt, dass das WPF auch über die RUB hinaus Signalwirkung entfalten und zur Gründung ähnlicher Netzwerke an anderen Hochschulen und Institutionen beitragen kann. Einen Bericht über die 2. Assembly des Female Faculty Club mit weiteren Bildern finden Sie hier:
Wir freuen uns über den weiterführenden Austausch mit den Dortmunder Kolleginnen!

Solidaritätsbekundung mit Menschen im Iran durch Professoren und Professorinnen der Universitäten im Ruhrgebiet

Den vielen positiven Momenten insbesondere in Form von persönlichen Begegnungen stehen im Jahr 2022 stehen auch schwerwiegende Ereignisse gegenüber, die uns zutiefst erschüttern. Hierzu gehört die brutale Gewalt der staatlichen Sicherheitskräfte gegen die Demonstrant:innen im Iran, die friedlich für ihre Rechte auf freie Meinungsäußerung und freien Zugang zu Bildung und Forschung demonstrieren. Als gemeinsame Aktion des Exzellenzclusters RESOLV und des WPF unter Initiative von Martina Havenith und Juliane Czierpka bekunden wir (derzeit 152 Professor:innen von Universitäten aus dem Ruhrgebiet) unsere Solidarität mit den Menschen im Iran und fordern die Bundesregierung auf, eindeutig Stellung zu den Menschenrechtsverletzungen und der brutalen Willkür der staatlichen Gewalt im Iran zu beziehen. Wer den Brief bislang noch nicht unterzeichnet hat, kann die Aktion nach wie vor online unter unterstützen.

CINEMA-EVENING ** Film „Picture a Scientist“

Eventbride – mindjazz pictures proudly presents Filmvorführung PICTURE A SCIENTIST - Ruhr-Universität Bochum – offered for our members during the following slot: Thursday July 8th, 2021 from 20.00 h| Saturday July 10th, 2021 until 20.00 to

This documentation described the structures of the scientific establishment, especially for women.


After a long period of abstinence, some members of the Women Professors Forum met on September 11, 2021 under the leadership of Petra Platen for a hike in the Windrather Valley near Velbert. Due to the still ongoing effects of the Corona Pandemic, the usual hike with overnight stay together was renounced. Nevertheless, the ladies - in compliance with the necessary regulations - hiked 17 km in the surrounding area and were able to have many interesting "personal" conversations in beautiful weather and good mood.

As soon as the date for the 2022 hike is fixed, it will be published here and simultaneously announced to all via the mail distribution list.

Cinema-Evening ** Film „CODED BIAS“ in planning

Together we would like to watch director Shalini Katayya's documentary
about MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini's discovery of racial bias
in facial recognition algorithms (90 minutes). A discussion is planned

Excursion 12./13. Juni 2021

Unfortunately, the hike cannot be held on this date as planned due to
the ongoing pandemic.

Nevertheless, we remain optimistic! We will select an alternate date in
the fall to make up for our already traditional hike.
As soon as the new date is set, it will be announced here.

WPF Lunch 21.04.2021 12 - 14 h (virtual)

Presentation Prof. Uta Wilkens
Managing Director of the Institute of Industrial Engineering (IAW) and
Chair of Work, Human Resources and Leadership
Title: "Human-centered AI in the workplace - oder woran am IAW sonst so
geforscht wird"

New Year's Reception 20.01.2021 (virtual)

To mark the inauguration of Kamala Harris as Vice President of the
United States, the Women Professors Forum invites you to a New Year's


Lunch. Brigitte Werners
"Einsatz quantitativer Methoden zur optimalen Lösung komplexer Entscheidungsprobleme" 12-14 Uhr - TagR III Mensagebäude / Bistroebene.

16. – 17. Mai 2020

Wanderwochenende WPF

16./17. Mai 2020 Wanderung

Canceled due to Corona Pandemic


Prof. Elsbeth Stern, ETH Zürich
Psychologin und Professorin für Lehr-Lern-Forschung an der ETH Zürich; wiss. Schwerpunkte Lehr-Lern-Forschung, Kognitionspsychologie und Intelligenzforschung)

"Vieles, aber nicht alles ist besser geworden: Der kleine Unterschied in kritischen Situationen".


Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner
Anionische Kohlenstoffverbindungen: Von der Stabilisierung hoch reaktiver Verbindungen zu Anwendungen in der Katalyse.


Renate Schaub
Juristische Forschung auf den Gebieten Bürgerliches Recht, Wirtschaftsrecht (insbesondere Recht des geistigen Eigentums und Wettbewerbsrecht), Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung.


WPF Lunch
Silvia Schneider
Das Forschungs- und Behandlungszentrum für psychische Gesundheit stellt sich vor.

October 8th, 2018 Ministerin Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen has visited the Women Professors Forum

„I gladly accepted the patronage of the Women Professors Forum because networks as this make an important contribution to equal opportunities for men and women in Science”, Ministerin Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen explained in the circle of about 40 female Professors depending to several faculties of RUB. “What can we do to improve equal opportunities and diversity in academic careers? This important question is not yet been fully and sufficiently answered”, mentioned Prof. Havenith, “but as network we have a substantial voice.” This was followed by an exchange about working in science e.g. measures helping to combine career and family, importance of having role models concerning the different career perspectives.


11th Lunch: 20.06.2018 Adina Rusu-Klappheck

May 3rd. 2018

Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth was guest of the WPF


09./10. 06.2018: WPF hiking tour

During the “traditional” hiking tour of the WPF with a workshop headed by Petra Weigand (entwickeln & beraten, Düsseldorf) the participants enjoyed the common time in a nice atmosphere.


10th 22.03.2018: next WPF Lunch

including a guided tour through the laboratories of Ilona Rolfes, Clara Saraceno &
Dorothea Kolossa
In Building ID
Soon further information will be announced by mail to WPF Members

29.11.2017: 8th Women Professors Lunch

29.11.2017, 12-14 pm, Tagungsraum 2 (RUB Mensa)

Introductory short talk:
Prof. Sarah Weigelt, Research Department of Neuroscience

Women Professors Forum gets prize for successful activity

On the 10th November 2017, during the RUB Akademische Jahresfeier, the Women Professor Forum received the Lore-Agnes-Prize. The Prize acknowledges initiatives that are successful in promoting gender equality. The Lore-Agnes Prize is awarded every second year and is endowed with 15 000 Euro.

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27.10.2017: 7th Women Professors Lunch

27.10.2017, 12-14 pm, Tagungsraum 3 (RUB Mensa)

Introductory short talk:
Prof. Isolde Karle, Lehrstuhl für Praktische Theologie

31.05.2017: Sixth Women Professors Lunch

31.05.2017, 12:30-14:30 pm, Tagungsraum 2 (RUB Mensa)

Introductory short talk:
Prof. Danja Schünemann, Molekularbiologie pflanzlicher Organellen

06./07.05.2017: Second WPF Networking Excursion

On 6th and 7th of May, 2017 the members of the WPF spent the weekend on intensifying their networking activities. The weekend included a mountain hike and a seminar in the evening.


26.01.2017: WPF meets "Bund Deutscher Akademikerinnen"

On 26.01.2017 the Women Professors Forum meets the "Bund Deutscher Akademikerinnen" at 5:00 pm in the ZEMOS building.

26.01.2017: Fifth Women Professors Lunch

26.01.2017, 12-14 pm, Tagungsraum 3 (RUB Mensa)

Introductory short talk:
Prof. Nikol Rummel, Pedagogical Psychology

12.10.2016: Fourth Women Professors Lunch

On 12.10.2016 from 12-14 the fourth Women Professors Lunch took place in Tagungsraum 1 in RUB Mensa. Jun.-Prof. Sabine Jansen from the mathematical physics department gave a short talk.

06.07.2016: Third Women Professors Lunch

On 06.07.2016 from 12-14 the third Women Professors Lunch took place in Tagungsraum 1 in RUB Mensa. Jun.-Prof. Christina Sengstock gave an overview about surgical research at RUB.

04./05.06.2016: First WPF Networking Excursion

On 4th and 5th of June, 2016 20 members of the WPF spent the weekend on intensifying their networking activities. The weekend included a mountain hike and a get-together in the evening.


13.04.2016: Second Women Professors Lunch

On 13.04.2016 from 12-14 the second Women Professors Lunch took place in Tagungsraum 1 in RUB Mensa. Prof. Carmen Meinert gave a short talk about the activities of CERES.

18.02.2016: Discussion with minister Svenja Schulze

On 18.02.2016 Svenja Schulze, minister for innovation, science and research of NRW visited the Ruhr-University and discussed with the members of the Women Professors Forum. The discussion took place from 9-11 am in RUB Conference Center, Saal 1. Please see below for some impressions.

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24.11.2015: First Women Professors Lunch

The first Women Professor Lunch took place on 24.11.2015 at 12:00 in RUB Mensa, Tagungsraum 1, floor 1 near Bistro. Prof. Martina Havenith gave an overview of the planned activiites of the Women Professor Forum.