SPP 2187 & SFB/ TRR 277 Summer School

The Summer School with participants of the SPP 2187 and the SFB/ Transregio 277 took place in Meschede at the Hennesee from October 12th to 16th 2020.
About 35 researchers on-site and further researchers via video conference were trained in the fundamentals of TRR 277 and SPP 2187-relevant topics. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza gave a lecture on "Produktion im Zeitalter der Industrie 4.0", Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus König spoke about "Bauwerksinformationsmodelle". Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine presented the topic "Digitale Fertigung mit mineralisch gebundenen Kompositen", Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Lohaus spoke about "Beton - das geheimnisvolle Material " and Dipl.-Ing. Markus Spadinger reported on "PGE - Produktgenerationsentwicklung mit Baukästen und Modulen". Finally, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Mark discussed the topic "Optimierungsbasiert Bemessen und Konstruieren von bewehrtem Beton".
In addition, an interactive soft-skill day on the topic "Meine Forschung sichtbar machen" and working group meetings of the SPP 2187 took place. The participants of both programs, who met for the first time at the event, were able to exchange information about scientific interfaces of their work and establish additional contacts for their research as well as form first interaction chains.

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The video was created by the PR-Team of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum.