Integra – preparatory courses to refugees

Integra Success Stories

Since the beginning of 2016, Ruhr-Universität offers free German courses for refugees. In order to help prospective refugee students to have a successful start in their studies the RUBiss team of the International Office offers the Integra programme which consists of a German language course combined with a propaedeutic programme. In lectures, workshops and excursions, the participants learn who the university works, social contacts are expanded and the German culture is explained.

Learning the German language and integration in Germany is a challenge for many of the young refugees. The RUBiss team is therefore particularly pleased to be able to report on successful Integra graduates.

Shareef Hallak completed the Integra-24 intensive course at the beginning of 2017. After passing the German test for the university entrance qualification with bravura, he applied for a study place. In winter semester, he is now starting his medical studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Read the complete press release here.

10 October 2017

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