information meeting for refugees

Information meeting for refugees at Ruhr-Universität Bochum

End of August, 20 refugees from different countries participated in a first information event, organised by the International Office. In cooperation with “OASE” and the “Studentische Flüchtlingshilfe” (student aid to refugees), the group of refugees was welcomed on campus. The participants were informed about studies at RUB and general admission requirements. In addition, the project “Open Auditorium” (Offener Hörsaal) was presented, which offers refugees to participate in lectures at RUB as guest students.
Afterwards, the group was accompanied on a campus tour by volunteering students who presented the university from their point of view, using different languages. After lunch in the university`s dining hall, the group had the possibility to ask questions in the International Lounge.

The participants were especially interested in information about German language courses, admission requirements and in getting into contact with faculties and RUB students. During the meeting, first contacts have been established and the participants got to know each other.

Further information events are planned for the upcoming winter semester.

August, 31 2015