Extraschicht 2013: Botanical Garden

‘ExtraSchicht’ at RUB: Hands-on Project for Night of Industrial Culture

Once a year on a summer’s night ‘Extraschicht’ draws attention to the cultural heritage of former industrial facilities and current production centres in the whole of the Ruhr Area. This reflects its transformation from an area shaped by mining and steel production to a modern region of business and culture. Mines and mine dumps, old factories and modern companies are turned into venues for the ‘Night of Industrial Culture’ with theatre, dancing, music and installation art. 200,000 visitors can travel from venue to venue, using public transport and shuttle busses put on especially for the event, and be mesmerised by an atmosphere which can only be created in the Ruhr Area.

In 2013 RUB is going to be an ExtraSchicht venue for the second time. Due to it being the first university to be established in the Ruhr Area, RUB represents the structural change of the region and is therefore participating in the ‘Night of Industrial Culture’. The centre of attention this year will be the Botanical Garden – with light art, theatre, readings, science slam and many more activities, the members of RUB will creatively draw attention to their Botanical Garden and present – as a university should – science and research.

International project on the topic ‘Garden’ or ‘Nature’

The International Office will also be at ExtraSchicht at RUB – we are planning an international project on the topic ‘Garden’ or ‘Nature’ and are looking for international and German students and researchers who would like to take part. We have not yet decided how to structure the project and are looking for lots of ideas!

A first preliminary meeting will take place on 11 April at 15:30 in the conference room belonging to the International Office, building SH 1/187. Everyone interested is invited to come along and can register here: