English theatre on 3rd and 4th July 2010

mid land
by Catherine Grosvenor

Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July 2010
7.30 pm, Studiobühne, Musisches Zentrum of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Play in English and German
Tickets: 5 / 3 € (for students)

A small folk lives in a mine. Daylight and the world above their shaft is alien to them. However, one day a mining disaster forces them to go up. They have to get along in new worlds und speak a new language. Searching for bread, Jan ends up in a dazzling world full of music an “happy chocolate”. An wants that everything stays as it used to be, but her children are longing for new delicacies. And Julle has only one dream: she wants to swim.

Director: Catherine Grosvenor and Niklas Füllner

Order tickets at: the-ednas@web.de