DAAD-Award 2013: Sima Farazi

DAAD-RUB Award for CompEng Degree Holder Sima Farazi

We can proudly announce that Ms. Sima Farazi, an Iranian CompEng student from the class of 2011, has been granted the "DAAD award at RUB for international students 2013". The official award ceremony will take place during the DAAD scholarship holder meeting on 9 December at RUB's event centre.

Ms. Farazi started studying Mechanical Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology in Iran in 2004. After getting her BSc degree, she decided to continue her studies and pursue a Computational Engineering master programme at Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany. In October 2013, after studying for 4 semesters, she successfully obtained her master's degree in Computational Engineering with a GPA of 0.9. She completed her master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Holger Steeb from the Chair of Continuum Mechanics and Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmaier from the Chair of Micromechanical and Macroscopic Modeling in ICAMS, on the topic 'Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow'.

Ms. Farazi is the best student in the academic year 2013 and the best female student since the course started in 2000. She has already gained a place to complete a PhD at RWTH Aachen. The CompEng-Team would like to wish her all the best for her future academic career.


From right to left: Prof. Holger Steeb (Vice Dean), M.Sc. Gelareh Fattahi-Möws (CompEng Assistant Coordinator), M.Sc. Sima Farazi (DAAD-RUB Award Winner), Prof. Klaus Hackl (Course Director), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Sahlmen (CompEng Coordinator)

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