Key administrative issues include process optimization and digitalization. Here, numerous projects are currently in progress.
Quick start
RUB takes care of all its employees’ concerns. This starts at the place of work and encompasses issues such as flexible working hours, training programmes, health management, childcare services, assistance with relatives in need of care, as well as culture and sports.
Key administrative issues include process optimization and digitalization. Here, numerous projects are currently in progress.
An emergency can occur at any time. If that happens, the control room has to be alerted without delay; it is available 24/7. Depending on the nature of the emergency, control room staff will then alert the police or the fire brigade. Across campus, first responders resp. evacuation assistants in the case of fire are available to help; they are signposted in the corridors.
Paper clip supplies? Holidays in September? What’s on the Mensa menu today? These lists provide relevant replies to employees’ questions regarding daily routine at Ruhr University Bochum: from work hours to holiday applications.
Presenting Ruhr University Bochum, on campus and in the media. The Corporate Communications Department is happy to help if you need advice on media briefings or on publishing your message in the news portal. The department’s web team helps you edit your websites, while the Brand communication agency helps you design your communication media.
From erasers to height-adjustable desk - RUB employees can order pretty much everything via the Procurement Department. The same department also helps sort out budget-related and financial issues.
The service portal provides all relevant information for a career start at RUB.
The service portal also includes all relevant information and forms for the workplace: from working hours, through holidays and part-time jobs, to appointment procedures.
Communication at RUB is for the most part digital, namely by email resp. via platforms such as Sharepoint and Moodle.
Employees who require any hardware and software resp. storage space will find assistance at IT.SERVICES.
RUB provides the Microsoft Office 365 suite as free download for its entire workforce. It includes e.g. the programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
A number of different discussion groups and task forces are active at RUB, in order to assist each other on everyday issues and in difficult situations.
Where do I dispose of my waste? Where do I find assistance on occupational safety?
RUB employees have to book lecture halls and rooms on the campus or in the RUB branches on a regular basis, or they have to organise complete events to present RUB. Assistance is available here.
Would you like to advertise your event with posters and flyers? Or commission a photographer? Do you need to know in what way you can use the RUB logo and RUB fonts? Agency for Brand Communication is the place for you.
Employees at the faculties, institutes and chairs routinely deal with matters related to research, education and transfer. Here are a few relevant links.
Lunch break and after-work snack and drink are an integral part of the work day. Either can be enjoyed on campus or just around the corner at the Uni-Center. The lunch menus provided by the academic services office at the Mensa, bistro and Q-West boast many culinary highlights. RUB also provides a plethora of cultural and recreational activities, those including walks around the Botanical Garden, university sports, as well as performances and exhibitions organised by Musisches Zentrum, the culture office Boskop, the RUB art collections and the university library.