Study medication

Allocation of study medication

Procedure in the CORRA study

Each practice participating in the CORRA study has study medication in stock for all three treatment groups (low starting dosage, high starting dosage, placebo). One package includes the medication for one person and is assigned to one of the three treatment groups. It is impossible to recognize group allocation based on the package exterior. At the beginning of the treatment phase, the rheumatologist in charge hands out the medication package randomly assigned to the patient.

Each package contains twelve blisters with seven capsules each, for intake of one capsule a day over twelve weeks of intervention. The content of each package with regard to diameter, shape, color, and taste is identical for all three groups. Therefore, neither the practitioner nor the patient are able to guess which group the patient has been assigned to. However, if patient safety requires, information on the patient's group allocation can be obtained easily at any time.

The figure below provides an overview of the dosages of study medication in the three treatment groups.

Fig Dosage 150223