Office Hours
PD Dr. Charlotte Lerg


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft
Historisches Institut
Professur Geschichte Nordamerikas
Universitätsstraße 150
44780 Bochum
Room: GA 5/60
Lockbox: 182
Tel. +49-234-32-24667
Fax. +49-234-32-14083

Victoria Junkernheinrich
Room: GA 4/157
Tel. +49-234-32-28635
Fax. +49-234-32-14083
Information on opening hours

Oral Exam in the Bachelor's Program

  • The oral exam in Module VIII lasts approximately 30 minutes.

  • Before registering for the oral exam, candidate and professor agree on two topics from one epoch, either from Module VI, Module VII or the lecture in Module VIII. Topics may also be selected that are not necessarily thematically related to completed courses.

  • These two topics will be given appropriate consideration in the exam and will each account for approximately 15 minutes.

  • One topic corresponds at least to the scope of a "Hauptseminar", a lecture or an "Übung für Fortgeschrittene"; it may not be related to the topic and the epoch of the B.A. thesis.

  • Information on registration can be found below.

Oral Exam in the 2-Subject Master's Program (Module III)

  • The oral exam in focus A (“Schwerpunkt A”) lasts approximately 30 minutes.

  • Before registering for the oral exam, candidate and professor agree on two topics of their studies from the epoch of focus A (“Schwerpunkt A”). Topics may also be selected that are not necessarily thematically related to completed courses.

  • These two topics will be given appropriate consideration in the exam and will each account for approximately 15 minutes.

  • One topic corresponds at least to the scope of an advanced seminar, e.g. a "Hauptseminar", a lecture, an “Oberseminar” or an "Übung für Fortgeschrittene"; it may not coincide with the topic of the M.A. thesis.

  • Information on registration can be found below.

  • Oral Exam in the 1-Subject Master's Program (Modules III and IV)

  • The oral exam in Module III in focus A (“Schwerpunkt A”) lasts approximately 30 minutes.

  • Before registering for the oral exam, candidate and professor agree on two topics of their studies from the epoch of focus A (“Schwerpunkt A”). Topics may also be selected that are not necessarily thematically related to completed courses.

  • These two topics will be given appropriate consideration in the exam and will each account for approximately 15 minutes.

  • One topic corresponds at least to the scope of an advanced seminar, e.g. a "Hauptseminar", a lecture, an “Oberseminar” or an "Übung für Fortgeschrittene"; it may not be related to the topic of the M.A. thesis or the topics of the final exam in Module IV.

  • The candidate cannot chose the same professor for the oral exams in Modules III and IV.

  • The oral exam in Module IV in focus B (“Schwerpunkt B”) lasts approximately 30 minutes.

  • Before registering for the oral exam, candidate and professor agree on two topics of their studies from the epoch of focus B (“Schwerpunkt B”). Topics may also be selected that are not necessarily thematically related to completed courses.

  • These two topics will be given appropriate consideration in the exam and will each account for approximately 15 minutes.

  • One topic corresponds at least to the scope of an advanced seminar, e.g. a "Hauptseminar", a lecture, an “Oberseminar” or an "Übung für Fortgeschrittene"; it may not be related to the topic of the M.A. thesis or the topics of the final exam in Module III.

  • The candidate cannot chose the same professor for the oral exams in Modules III and IV.

  • Information on registration can be found below.

    Registering for an Oral Exam

    • In order to register for an oral exam, it is mandatory to fill out a standard registration form, that needs to be signed by Prof. Wala during a pre-exam consultation. Please submit the completed and signed form to the “Bereichssekretariat 5” (Victoria Junkernheinrich).
      You can find the registration form here under "Forms".