UML specification of design space for ECCells

Connecting the electronic chemical cell with the standardized modeling languages of computer science requires us to define an interface between both worlds. Several patents exemplify the need for a real-time modeling of micro-fluidic structures  ,  ,   to cope with the multiphase properties. Experience has taught us that this interface-specification can become very complex. Thus a declaration was sought that conveys the most important connection-points while allowing detailed physical and chemical modeling to be relegated to plug-in “black box” modules. Any attempt to lift the physics and chemistry directly to the model description level would elevate the task to defining the majority of aqueous solution and surface physics and chemistry in UML, that is clearly at best achievable by the entire world community. The general structure we adopt is therefore to confine the complicated physical and chemical boundary conditions into black boxes with very general names and to exchange these black boxes with new versions, if physics or chemistry are changing.