RUB » RJSD2018
titel rjsd


The RUB Japan Science Days 2018 open a new international format at Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) that offers a platform for dialogue with its international partner universities.

This new platform will serve to initiate, diversify and expand sustainable international cooperation with selected universities on multiple levels. The aim is to include manifold subject areas and interconnect different levels and scopes of partnership in the fields of research, teaching and transfer. In lectures, workshops, discussions and talks, researchers, executives and administrators from RUB and its partners get the chance to explore options of co-operations in various fields.

From July 5 – 7 2018, top researchers, presidents, vice presidents and executives from university management and administration from the University of Tokyo, Osaka University, the University of Tsukuba and RUB meet to promote the fruitful exchange among them.

The RUB International Science Days will be each devoted to a guiding topic of high societal relevance that offers multi- and transdisciplinary approaches to teaching, research and transfer. This year – honoring a topic that is presently hotly debated in Japan and also in Germany – the Science Days are devoted to “Society 5.0 – Chances and Risks of Digital Transformation and the Responsibility of Universities”.