Exploring German History

130 Refugees from 12 Countries visit the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn

130 INTEGRA participants explore German history in Bonn Sunday, July, 10th. The group traveled to the former capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, toured the Haus der Geschichte and experienced German’s past first hand. Ending the day with a sonny walk along the Rhein, the refugees even got to see Bonn as it is today. The INTEGRA program, including this field trip is offered by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum‘s International Office.

Since the beginning of 2016, the Ruhr-Universität’s International Office has implemented the “INTEGRA” program to help mentor refugees who want to attend university or continue their studies from their home countries here at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Participants of the INTEGRA program attend a German language course, taught by volunteers, 8 hours a week as well as take part in a prep program. This program includes information events regarding attending university, a weekly “Sprachcafé,” other intercultural workshops and the excursion to the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn.

Ayman Kanaan, an INTEGRA member from Syria, was very excited about the trip. His review of the day spent in Bonn is described below:

“On Sunday, July, 10th 2016, we all met up at Ruhr-Universität and took 3 busses to Bonn. Even on the way there the atmosphere was really fun, we sang songs and made conversation.
Once we arrived at the museum, we were split up in to smaller groups and led by a professional tour guide through the many exhibitions. The museum featured the development of Germany after WWII. The tour guides could explain the exhibits both in German and English. Because I studied archeology back home, all of the exhibits really impressed me.

After touring all of the different exhibitions, we were able take a short break for coffee and cake in the museum cafeteria before heading back into the city to walk along the Rhein riverside. With a spontaneous dance break next to the Rhein, the International Office employees got to learn the basic steps of “Dabke” (an oriental folk dance). We headed back to Bochum after a stop in Bonn’s city center.

The Haus der Geschichte was a really nice choice and the excursion was very well organized. I hope that we can visit another museum next semester as well. I would like to thank the International Office team for this wonderful field trip!”

You are intereseted in the Integra-Program? You are welcome to visit the International Office during the consultation hours.

The office hours are:

  • Tuesday 10 am to 12 am in SSC 1/229*
  • Thursday 2 pm to 4 pm in SSC 1/230*

Important: Please bring your diploma (school, university) and documents about your residence status (BüMa, Aufenthaltsgestattung etc.) in Germany, if possible or available. You may even provide us with copies of your documents.

*The counselling rooms are located in the building SSC (Studierenden Service Center), level 1. You can find the SSC easily. It is the first white building on the left hand side if you come from the U35 metro station and go over the university bridge to enter the RUB campus.

Study in Germany

You would like to study in Germany? Here you find many useful information about studying and living in Germany!

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