RUBIN international edition

RUBIN international edition

Pirates in the Mediterranean, luminous particles from the microwave and swimming survivors are three of the many topics featured in the first international edition of Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s science magazine “RUBIN”. Issued once a year, the magazine’s international edition will be devoted to presenting the research highlights from the fields of natural, engineering and life sciences as well as humanities in the English language. In addition to editorial articles, RUBIN also features contributions authored by researchers. The first international edition comprises a selection of the best articles from the two most recent German issues, plus two brand new contributions.

RUBIN online

The complete international edition may be found on the internet at:

Eye patch, peg leg and hook – these are the attributes commonly associated with pirates. What many might not know is that pirates made the waters of the Mediterranean dangerous for almost 3,000 years. The impact they had on the region from 1,000 BC up until the 19th century is one of the topics discussed in the RUBIN international edition 2013. The predatory motif is picked up in another article, as well: the magazine provides an insight into the defence mechanisms of water fleas against predators. Measuring barely one millimetre in length, these animals have a surprising arsenal of defence mechanisms at their disposal: neck teeth and crowns of thorns being only two examples. Depending on the predators living in their vicinity, water fleas develop specialised defence mechanisms; RUBIN explains how it works.

Topics featured in the RUBIN international edition

The German RUBIN edition is published twice a year; a special edition is also issued once a year, focusing on a certain topic. The articles featured in the first international edition include: Highly effective and yet non-harmful: fumaric acid esters to fight MS; Good bait catches fine fish: IT researchers set up honeypots to catch Internet attackers; Luminous nanoparticles from the microwave: Synthesising materials with ionic liquids; Memoria Romana: Research on historical and cultural memory in ancient Rome; Danger from the high seas: pirates shaped the history of the Med for 3000 years; Stem cells fill gaps in bones: large defects will heal more quickly; Swimming survivors: the water fleas’ defences against different predators; Battery desalinates seawater: new concept gives rise to hope for energy-efficient fresh water production; An ice cube, the window into the distant space: RUB astrophysicists at the South Pole seek for the source of cosmic radiation; Pantomime of the robots: new sheet metal forming process leads to cost-efficient prototyping and design studies

Editorial journalist
Dr. Julia Weiler
Pressestelle RUB

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