Grenzenlos 2012 – International days at RUB

On 7 and 8 November 2012, the International Office and the Career Service will be present in the Mensa foyer between 11:00am and 3:00pm to provide RUB students with information about the many different ways of spending time abroad.International students studying at RUB, representatives from partner universities, the ERASMUS Student Network (ESN) and RUB students who have already spent time abroad will be there at the information stands to talk about their experiences. The University Language Centre (Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, ZFA) and the Bochum Institute of Intensive Language Training (Landesspracheninstitut, LSI) will introduce their programmes for the different language courses. The student-run organisations AIESEC and IAESTE and the Department for International Placement Services from the Federal Employment Agency will also be present to tell you all you need to know about carrying out internships and working abroad.

Presentations at the International Lounge

In various presentations, e.g. representatives from the United Nations Organisation (UNO) will talk to you about careers in international companies. The Department for International Placement Services at the Federal Employment Agency (International Personnel Services Dortmund) advises on potential employers and organisations offering students and graduates internships and job opportunities abroad. The coordinator of the ConRuhr offices in Latin America, Dr. Stephan Hollensteiner, will inform you about studying in Brazil. Dr. Everton Vieira Vargas, Brazilian ambassador to Germany, will give a presentation in German on the topic of "Brazil and Germany – academic exchange and collaboration."

International week at Mensa

Those guests visiting the Mensa during the Grenzenlos week will also be treated to some fine international food. Additionally, visitors will be able to sample specialities from all over the world at the information stands during the Grenzenlos event days. The AKAFÖ trainee chefs will prepare finger food using recipes exchange students have brought with them from their home countries.

photo exhibition "MY ERASMUS"

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the EU’s exchange programme “ERASMUS”, RUB students who have studied/are currently studying abroad and international students spending their semester abroad at RUB will display photos of their best ERASMUS moments in the photo exhibition "MY ERASMUS".

10 years of Grenzenlos

Grenzenlos is taking place at RUB already for the 10th time. The event was started in 2002 as a one-day-fair at "Audima". Since then, the International Office, the Career Service as well as organisations from Germany and abroad have informed every second year on studying and working abroad. This year, for its 10th anniversary, Grenzenlos has a new appearance.