MD Stellen

MD Stellen

MD positions available at the Department of Neurophysiology
Medical faculty, Ruhr University Bochum

If you are a medical student of the Ruhr University Bochum and have completed your Physikum, you can pursue a medical doctorate (MD) degree within the Department of Neurophysiology. The focus will be on studies of hippocampu-dependent spatial learning (see Kemp and Manahan-Vaughan, Trends Neurosci 2007, 30:118), and its regulation by physiological and pathological states.

Typically you will be expected to invest several hours a week in the experimental work of your project. Projects take up to 2 years to complete and thus are more suited for students that are highly motivated to conduct neuroscience research.

MD positions currently available:

  1. “Investigations of spatial learning in transgenic mice with glutamate receptor alterations“. The project will combine behavioural learning paradigms with western blotting analysis (see Kemp and Manahan-Vaughan, Trends Neurosci 2007, 30:118). The purpose of the project is to assess to what extent wildtype and transgenic mice can engage in complex spatial learning and whether this brings about a change in glutamate receptor expression.
  1. “Investigations of the effects of noradrenergic receptor manipulations on spatial learning in the rat“. In this project the effects of antagonism of adrenergic receptors on behavioural learning will be investigated (Kemp and Manahan-Vaughan, 2007, Cerebral Cortex). The purpose of the project is to examine to which extent the noradrenergic system modulates hippocamous-dependent learning and whether taregtting of this system can be used to address therapy of unwanted memories.
  1. Investigations of the role of Abeta in learning impairments in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease. We will investigate whether
    rearing of animals under conditions of environmental enrichment or regular exercise can ameliorate effects of ABeta on learning.

Candidates please submit:

1. An application letter that describes your research interests and motivation for applying, as well as a statement as to which project is of interest
2. The names of tworeferees
3. A complete CV that describes your academic as well as research qualifications

to Prof Denise Manahan-Vaughan

Head of the Department of Neurophysiology,
Medical Faculty
Ruhr University Bochum
FNO 01/116
44780 Bochum

Tel: +49-234 32-22 042
Fax: +49-234 3214490
