With Lena Linne: "'[M]emories and similes laid side by side': The Paratactic Poetics of Alice Oswald’s Memorial". Connotations 27 (2018): 19-47.

"'When Mercy Seasons Justice': Poetic Justice in Comedy". Connotations 25.2 2015/16): 152-74.

"The Miller as Artist: 'Will o' the Mill' and the Aestheticism of Stevenson's Early Essays". Journal of Stevenson Studies 13 (2016): 35-55.

"Revisions Revisited: A Narratological Reading of the Cornhill Version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s 'The Pavilion on the Links'". Anglia 134 (2016): 25-42.

"Wordsworth's 'To the Cuckoo' and the Metonymic Imagination". The Life of Birds in Literature. Ed. Marie-Luise Egbert. Trier: WVT, 2015.20-39.

"The Art of Losing: A Reading of 'Simon's Luck' by Alice Munro". Narrating Loss. Eds. Brigitte Glaser, and Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz. Trier: WVT, 2014. 255-268.

"Unlived Lives in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day and Tom Stoppard's The Invention of Love". Connotations 20 (2010/11): 164-88.

"Unreliable Narration in The Master of Ballantrae: An External Approach". Journal of Stevenson Studies 6 (2009): 43-62.

"'That light beyond metaphor': Das Problem der homerischen Parallelen in Derek Walcotts Omeros." "Homer zweiten Grades": Zum Wirkungspotential eines Klassikers. Eds. Bernd Effe, Reinhold F. Glei, and Claudia Klodt. Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 79. Trier: WVT, 2009. 265-83.

"Textual Intricacies: The Leitmotif of the Peonies in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace." Textual Intricacies: Essays on Structure and Intertextuality in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Fiction in English. Eds. Christiane Bimberg, and Igor Volkov. Trier: WVT, 2009. 155-175.

"Ghosts, Knowledge and Truth in Atwood: A Reader's Guide to Six Responses". Connotations 19 (2009/10): 126-35.

"The Return of the Dead in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Alias Grace". Connotations 16 (2006/07): 60-91. Rpt. in Contemporary Literature Criticism. Vol. 371. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit, MI: Gale, 2015. 68-80

“From Honest, Downright Barbarity to the Art of Being Natural: Primitivism in Restoration Comedy”. Anglistentag 2006 Halle: Proceedings. Eds. Sabine Volk-Birke, and Julia Lippert. Trier: WVT, 2007. 25-34.

“Robert Louis Stevenson’s Arrival on the Academic Scene: A Survey of Recent Studies”. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 38 (2005): 319-37.

"Parody, Paradox and Play in The Importance of Being Earnest". Connotations 13 (2003/04): 32-55.
Rpt. in Oscar Wilde: New Edition. Ed. Harold Bloom. Bloom's Modern Critical Views. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2011. 101-21.

"The Sister Arts as Poetological Metaphors in E.M. Forster’s Criticism". Anglistentag 2004 Aachen: Proceedings. Eds. Lilo Moessner, and Christa M. Schmidt. Trier: WVT, 2005. 249-60.

"John Dryden's Amphitryon and the Sexual Paradoxes of Restoration Comedy". Symbolism 5 (2005): 318-40.

"The Restoration Tradition of Paradox". Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 27 (2003): 3-16.

"The Double Double Standard of Restoration Comedy". Anglistentag 2002 Bayreuth: Proceedings. Eds. Ewald Mengel, Hans-Jörg Schmid, and Michael Steppat. Trier: WVT, 2003. 485-95.

"Crossing Parallels: Analysing a Leitmotif in Derek Walcott's Omeros". Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 50 (2002): 353-65.

"The Return to Africa in Derek Walcott's Omeros". Anglistentag 2001 Wien: Proceedings. Eds. Dieter Kastovsky, Gunther Kaltenböck, and Susanne Reichl. Trier: WVT, 2002. 169-78.

"Who Shot the Hare in Stoppard’s Arcadia? A Reply to Anja Müller-Muth". Connotations 13 (2003/04): 170-77.

"'Fortuitous Wit': Dialogue and Epistemology in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia". Connotations 11 (2001/02): 42-59.

"Fokalisation und Perspektive: Ein Plädoyer für friedliche Koexistenz". Poetica 33 (2001): 1-21.

"Erotik und Empfindsamkeit in A Sentimental Journey". Anglia 119 (2001): 19-38.

"How to Do Things with History: Researching Lives in Carol Shields' Swann and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace". Journal of Commonwealth Literature 35 (2000): 71-85.

"Some Echoes of John Taylor's 'A Bawd' in the Dedication of William Wycherley's The Plain-Dealer". Notes and Queries 45 (1998): 452-53.

"Die Phantasie der Ignoranz: Zum Malapropismus in der englischen Literatur". Zum Begriff der Imagination in Dichtung und Dichtungstheorie: Festschrift für Rainer Lengeler zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Manfred Beyer. Trier: WVT, 1998. 206-21.

"The Double as Devil's Advocate: A Reading of Robert Louis Stevenson's Short Story 'Markheim'". Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 29 (1996): 83-95.

"E.M. Forster and the Supersession of Plot by Leitmotif: A Reading of Aspects of the Novel and Howards End". Anglia 112 (1994): 341-63.
Rpt. in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Vol. 125. Ed. Janet Witalec et al. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale, 2003. 128-36.