
New perspectives in hyperplane and reflection arrangements

Bochum (Germany)

Monday, February 10, 2014

The intention of this workshop is to provide a forum on new developments in the theory of hyperplane and reflection arrangements. The contributions by international leading experts will concentrate on geometric, combinatorial and computational aspects.

Hosted by

Floer Center for Geometry
Department of Mathematics
Ruhr-University Bochum


T. Abe (Kyoto University)
N. Amend (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
D. Garber (Holon Institute of Technology)
N. Nakashima (Toyota Technological Institute)
V. Ripoll (Universität Wien)
C. Stump (Freie Universität Berlin)
D. Suyama (Hokkaido University)
H. Terao (Hokkaido University)
M. Yoshinaga (Hokkaido University)

Conference location

Beckmanns Hof
Beckmannshof on Openstreetmap


Monday, February 10



09.00 - 09.30


09.30 - 10.30

T. Abe

The freeness of ideal subarrangements of Weyl arrangements

10.30 - 11.30

C. Stump

Counting factorizations of Coxeter elements in well-generated complex reflection groups

11.30 - 12.00

V. Ripoll

Complex reflection arrangements and factorisations of a Coxeter element

12.00 - 12.30

N. Amend

Inductively free restrictions of reflection arrangements

12.30 - 14.00


14.00 - 14.30

D. Suyama

Basis construction of the derivation modules of the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements of the type A_2

14.30 - 15.00

D. Garber

On left regular bands associated to real line and conic-line arrangements

15.00 - 15.30

N. Nakashima

Construction for canonical systems of basic invariants for finite reflection groups

15.30 - 16.00


16.00 - 17.00

M. Yoshinaga

Milnor fibers of real line arrangements

17.00 - 18.00

H. Terao

Questions arising from the ideal-free theorem


19.00 -



Conference Dinner

There will be a conference dinner at 19:00 at Restaurant Amalfi (Amalfi on Openstreetmap).


Please register for the meeting by mailing to Claudia Knauber. There will be no registration fee. However, we request that you register for the meeting by 10.01.2014. Please indicate whether you want to attend the conference dinner.

Hotel Information

We have reserved a number of hotel rooms at Bochum Ibis Zentrum which are held until 10.01.2014. When booking there yourself, please mention the keyword "Hyper" in order to benefit from university rates.

Travel Information

How to get to Ruhr-University Bochum.

Organized by

Michael Cuntz
Torsten Hoge
Gerhard Röhrle

Funded by DFG Priority Programme

SPP 1489 "Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory"


T. Abe
B. Altenbokum
N. Amend
H. Barcatta
H. Chen
H. Conrad
M. Cuntz
D. Garber
S. Herpel
T. Hoge
R. Hoffmann
P. Mosch
N. Nakashima
V. Ripoll
G. Röhrle
A. Schauenburg
C. Stump
D. Suyama
H. Terao
H. Thomas
J. Wang
C. Weigel
P. Wegener
M. Yoshinaga