Representative for severely disabled persons (SBV)

The SBV promotes the integration of severely disabled persons into the company, represents their interests, and provides them with assistance.


Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Gebäude: FNO 02/18
Tel.: 0234 32-28532
Fax: 0234 32-14016

Result of the election of the person of trust and the deputies for the representation of the severely disabled in 2022

Dear Colleagues,
on Monday, November 7th, 2022, the new SBV team was elected.

Elected as person of trust: Hampel, Thomas, master precision mechanic, administrative department division 3.5, head of the central training workshop

The following people were elected as deputies:

1. Kleinalstede, Sabine, administrative officer, administrative department division 4
2. Griese, Thomas, IT technician, Faculty of Geosciences
3. Pankau, Sabine, administrative officer, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry
4. Tillmann, Heinz, process engineer, ZEMOS
5. Mundry, Iris, Dr. rer. nat., research assistant; Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
6. Pankau, Wolf-Matthias, Dr. rer. nat., academic councillor, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry
7. Rimkus, Judith, library officer, Faculty of Philology

We thank all voters for voting and look forward to continued good cooperation.


Person of trust for severely disabled employees at the RUB

Person of Trust as of 01.02.2021 is Thomas Hampel

Eurokey for Accessible Toilets


The Eurokey for accessible public toilets can be obtained from "Club Behinderter und ihrer Freunde in Darmstadt und Umgebung e.V."  (CBF).

The event management agency of RUB Universaal offers the Eurokey for disabled guests during an event organized by Universaal. Detailed information can be obtained from Universaal, Sylvia Krieschbach, Tel.: +49 234 32-29911, Email:

Construction works and other structural changes of the work place

SBV asks all affected severely disabled employees to contact us in order to support the smooth establishment of a work place that is appropriate for their needs.