The International Corpus of English (ICE) is an international project in which researchers working on English varieties world-wide compile comparable corpora of individual national or regional varieties. So far, corpora for Canada, East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania), Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and the USA have been completed and are made available for non-profit research.
The Chair of English Linguistics collected the Uganda component of the ICE between 2013 and 2021. We have been successfully collaborating with our colleagues from Makerere University (Kampala) and Gulu University, with both of whom we also maintain formal departmental links.
Work on this project has also yielded a PhD thesis, a series of papers collected in a volume of Ugandan English, and a Master’s thesis comparing preposition stranding in Ugandan English to other varieties.
To get access to ICE-UG you or your institution will need a valid licence. To get academic licence and obtain the corpus and manual, fill in the licence form available via the link below and send it to You should receive the data within about 7 working days. Note: You need to send your request from an academic e-mail to prove your educational status.
Our partners in Uganda are Gulu University and Makerere University in Kampala.