ATP » Forschung » Abgeschlossene Projekte

Diagnosis of Coupled Quantised Systems Based on Automata Networks


Förderer: DFG

Kontaktperson: Jörg Neidig

Zeitraum: 01.05.2003 - 31.10.2006

Beschreibung: A physical system usually consists of many components which interact with each other. While most of the existing modelling approaches do not take this structure into consideration, in this project every component will be modelled separately as an automaton resulting in a network consisting out of multiple interconnected automata It is clear that this approach demands fewer resources, since independencies between the components can be utilised when analysing or designing the network. The aim of this project to use such an automaton network in fault diagnosis. The aim of diagnosis is to find the fault which causes the plant to work outside the nominal operating point. To maintain the advantage of the modular model the diagnostic task should also be decentralised, meaning that every component of the network is diagnosed separately. Different decentrelised diagnostic approaches are currently being depevolped in this project.
