RUB » Dekanat für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Evolutionsökologie und Biodiversität der Tiere - Publikationen


Publikationen Prof. Dr. R. Tollrian


Horstmann M, Luncke J, Weiss L C, Tollrian R
Long-term analysis and effectiveness of inducible behavioural and morphological traits of Daphnia longicephala in response to Notonecta

2023. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Volume 196 Nr. 3-4 (2023), p. 287 - 299

Vos M, ... Tollrian R, ... Vermiert A M et al.
The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release

2023. Science of the Total Environment 872 (2023) 162196

The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release

2023. Science of the Total Environment 872 (2023) 162196

Boening P, Virgo J, Bleidissel S, Dabbagh N, Dalbeck L, Ellwart S, Feiler L, Ferner V, Fleck T, Gemeinhardt L, Guschal M, Hansbauer G, Kirst K, Kordges T, Kuehnle L, Neumann S, Plewnia A, Preissler K, Schluepmann M, Schneider M, Schreiber R, Thein J, Thielen R, Twietmeyer S, Veith M, Loetters S, Schweinsberg M
Key questions about the impact of the salamander plague on the Northern Crested Newt, Triturus cristatus - a German perspective

2023. Salamandra 59 (2). 59(2): 107-116 ISSN 0036-3375

Gösser F, Schweinsberg M, Mittelbach P, Schoenig E, Tollrian R,
An environmental DNA metabarcoding approach versus a visual survey for reefs of Koh Pha-ngan in Thailand.

2022. Environmental DNA 00, 1-15.

Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Barmaeva E, Kubitza S, Poppinga S, Tollrian R
Facing the green threat: A waterflea's defenses against a carnivorous plant.

2022. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6474

Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Tollrian R,
Specific turbulence-and Chaoborus-induced morphotypes affect the streamlining properties of Daphnia cucullata.

2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Pötter L, Krebs N, Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Long-term effects of elevated pCO2 levels on the expression of Chaoborus-induced defences in Daphnia pulex.

2021. Zoology 146, 125909

Graeve A, Janssen M, Villalba de la Pena M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Higher, faster, better: Maternal effects shorten time lags and increase morphological defenses in Daphnia lumholtzi offspring generations

2021. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Doi. 10.3389/fevo.2021.637421

Langer S M, Horstmann M, Junke W, Herlitze S, Weiss L C & Tollrian R,
On Daphnia's path - a half-automatic system to analyze three-dimensional movement patterns.

2021. Ecosphere 12.

Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Thwarting predators? A three-dimensional perspective of morphological alterations in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia

2021. PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 16(7):e0254263

Pötter L, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Determining pCO2 based on geochemical calculation and modeling using PHREEQC.

2021. MethodsX.

Horstmann M, Fleischmann A, Tollrian R, Poppinga S,
Snapshot prey spectrum analysis of the phylogenetically early-diverging carnivorous Utricularia multifida from U. section Polypompholyx (Lentibulariaceae)

2021. PLoS ONE 16(4): e0249976

Kowalewska A A, Krebs N, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Elevated pCO2 affects behavioural patterns and mechano-sensation in predatory phantom midge larvae Chaoborus obscuripes.

2020. Sci. Rep. 10:1800 1-9 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58763-4

Trogant S, Becker K, Schweinsberg M, Ioannidou I, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Simple morphology-based species identification in Euplotes spp.

2020. Ingenta connect. DOI:

Popinga S, Smaij J, Westermeier A S, Horstmann M, Kruppert S, Tollrian R & Speck T
Prey capture analyses in the carnivorous aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa L., Droseraceae)

2019. Scientific Reports. 9:18590,

Langer S M, Weiss L C, Ekvall M T, Bianco G, Hansson L-A, Tollrian R
A three-dimensional perspective of Daphnia's swimming behavior with and without predator cues

2019. Limnology and Oceanography. Volume 64, issue 4,

Kruppert S, Deussen L, Weiss L C, Horstmann M, Wolff J O, Kleinteich T, Gorb S N, Tollrian R (2019)
Zooplankters' nightmare: The fast and efficient catching basket of larval phantom midges (Diptera: Chaoborus)

2019. PLOS ONE. 14 (3), pp 1-17, e0214013

Horstmann M, Heier L, Kruppert S, Weiss L C, Tollrian R, Adamec L, Westermeier A, Speck T, Poppinga S
Comparative Prey Spectra Analyses on the Endangered Aquatic Carnivorous Waterwheel Plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Droseraceae) at Several Naturalized Microsites in the Czech Republic and Germany

2019. Integrative Organismal Biology. pp 1-19, doi:10.1093/iob/oby012

Santangelo J M, Soares B N, Paes T, Maia-Barbosa P, Tollrian R
Effects of vertebrate and invertebrate predators on the life history of Daphnia similis and Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera)

2018. Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology. Volume 54

Horstmann M, Heier L, ruppert S, Weiss L C, Tollrian R, Adamec L, Westermeier A, Speck T, Poppinga S
"Comparative prey spectra analyses of the endangered aquatic carnivorous waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Droseraceae) at several naturalized microsites in the Czech Republic and Germany"

(accepted- Integrative Organismal Biology: A Journal of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.)

Weiss L C, Albada B, Becker S M, Meckelmann S W, Klein J, Meyer M, Schmitz O J, Sommer U, Leo M, Zagermann J, Metzler-Nolte N, Tollrian R
Identification of Chaoborus kairomone chemicals that induce defences in Daphnia

2018. Nature Chemical Biology. Volume 14, pages1133-1139

Weiss L C, Tollrian R
"Inducible defenses in Crustacea"

2018. Natural History of the Crustacea Life Histories, Volume 5 ed. Martin Thiel and Gary Wellborn,

Weiss L C, Pötter L, Steiger A, Kruppert S, Frost U and Tollrian R
Rising pCO 2 in Freshwater Ecosystems Has the Potential to Negatively Affect Predator-Induced Defenses in Daphnia.

2018. Curr. Biol, 1-6.

Seefeld M A, Campana G L, Deregibus D, Quartino M L, Abele D, Tollrian R, Held C
Different feeding strategies in Antarctic scavenging amphipods and their implications for colonisation success in times of retreating glaciers.

2017. Frontiers in Zoology 14:59, DOI/10.1186/s12983-017-0248-3.

Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Witzel U, Schaber C F, Gorb S N, Tollrian R
Biomechanical properties of predator-induced body armour in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia.

2017. Scientific Reports 7 (1), DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09649-5.

Hellinger J, Jägers P, Donner M, Sutt F, Mark M D, Senen B, Tollrian R and Herlitze S
The flashlight fish Anomalops katoptron uses bioluminescent light to detect prey in the dark.

2017. PLoS ONE, 12 (2), e0170489.

Poppinga S, Daber L E, Westermeier A S, Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Speck T
Biomechanical analysis of prey capture in the carnivorous Southern bladderwort (/Utricularia australis/).

2017. Scientific Reports 7 1776. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01954-3

Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R and Lampert K P
Inter- and intra-colonial genotypic diversity in hermatypic hydrozoans of the family Milleporidae.

2017. Marine Ecology, DOI:10.1111/maec.12388

Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Schaber C F, Gorb S N and Tollrian R
Push or Pull? The Light-Weight Architecture of the Daphnia pulex Carapace is Adapted to Withstand Tension, Not Compression

2016. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 00:00-00 (2016)

Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, and Lampert K P
Genetic variation in the massive coral Porites lobata

2016. Marine Biology, 163(12), 242.

Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, and Lampert K P
Inter- and intra-colonial genotypic diversity in hermatypic hydrozoans of the family Milleporidae

2016. Marine Ecology doi:10.1111/maec.12388

Rozenberg A, Leese F, Weiss L C and Tollrian R
Digital gene expression analysis with sample multiplexing and PCR duplicate detection: A straightforward protocol

2016. BioTechniques, Vol. 61, No. 1, July 2016, pp. 26-32

Weiss L C, Heiligenberg E, Deussen L, Becker S M, Kruppert S, Tollrian R
Onset of kairomone sensitivity and the development of inducible morphological defenses in Daphnia pulex

2016. Hydrobiologia, DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2809-4

Elbrecht V, Beermann A J, Goessler G, Neumann J, Tollrian R, Wagner R, Wlecklik A, Piggott J J, Matthaei C D, Leese F
Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates: a mesocosm experiment manipulating nutrients, fine sediment and flow velocity

2016. Freshwater Biology 61 (4):362-375

Macher J N, Salis R K, Blakemore K S, Tollrian R, Matthaei C D, Leese F
Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates: DNA barcoding reveals contrasting responses of cryptic mayfly species

2016. Ecological Indicators, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.024

Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses.

2015. Scientific Reports 5,12736, doi: 10.1038/srep12736

Transcriptional profiling of predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in Daphnia pulex.

2015. Frontiers in Zoology 12:18, DOI 10.1186/s12983-015-0109-x

More than one genotype: how common is intracolonial genetic variability in scleractinian corals?

2015. Molecular Ecology, 24, (11): 2673-2685, DOI: 10.1111/mec.13200.

Assessing the phylogeographic history of the montane caddisfly Thremma gallicum: A comparison of sequence data from mitochondria and restriction-site associated DNA markers (RAD)

2015. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (3): 648-662.

Plant secretions prevent wasp parasitism in nests of wool-carder bees, with implications for the diversification of nesting materials in Megachilidae

2015. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 86.

Engel K, Schreder T and Tollrian R
Morphological defences of invasive Daphnia lumholtzi protect against vertebrate and invertebrate predators

2014. J. Plankton Research 36(4): 1140-1145

Lampert KP, Pasternak V, Brand P, Tollrian R, Leese F & Eltz T,
Late' male sperm precedence in polyandrous wool-carder bees and the evolution of male resource defence in Hymenoptera

2014. Animal Behaviour, 90, 211-217

Schweinsberg M, Gonzalez Pech RA, Tollrian R, & Lampert KP
Transfer of intracolonial genetic variability through gametes in Acropora hyacinthus corals

2014. Coral Reefs, Volume 33, Issue 1, 77-87.

Elbrecht V, Feld CK, Gies M, Hering D, Sondermann M, Tollrian R & Leese F
Genetic diversity and dispersal potential of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes in a central European low mountain range

(in press). Freshwater sciences

Weiss L C, Tollrian R, Herbert Z & Laforsch C
Morphology of the Daphnia nervous system: a comparative study on Ctenodaphnia and Daphnia

(in press) Journal of Morphology

Leese F, Brand P, Rozenberg A, Mayer C, Agrawal S, Dambach J, Dietz L, Doemel J S, Goodall-Copestake W P, Held C, Jackson J A, Lampert K P, Linse K, Macher J N, Nolzen J, Raupach M J, Rivera N T, Schubart C D, Striewski S, Tollrian R and Sands C J
Exploring Pandora's Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology
2012. PLoS ONE, e7:40202

Weiss, LC, Laforsch, C Tollrian, R
Chapter 13: The taste of predation and the defenses of prey. In C. Brönmark & L.A. Hansson (Eds.) Chemical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
2012. Oxford University Press.

Stemmer K, Burghardt I, Mayer C, Reinecke G, Waegele H, Tollrian R & Leese F
Species assignments within xeniid soft corals (Octocorallia; Alcyonacea): Morphological and genetic approaches
2012. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-012-0119-x.

Leese F, Brand B, Rozenberg A, Mayer C, Agrawal S, Dambach J, Dietz L, Dömel JS, Goodall-Copstake WP, Held C, Jackson JA, Lampert KP, Linse K, Macher JN, Nolzen J, Raupch MJ, Rivera N, Schubart CD, Striewski S, Tollrian R, Sands CJ
Exploring Pandora's Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology.
(in press) PLoS One.

Bernhardt B, Lampert K P, Leese F, Mayer C & R Tollrian R
Are shoals of the Eurasian minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) formed by close kin?
2012. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 713-721

Lampert KP, Bürger P, Striewski S, Tollrian R
Lack of association between colour morphs of the Jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda and zooxanthella clade
2012. Marine Ecology 33:364-369

Engel K, & Tollrian R
Competitive ability, thermal tolerance and invasion success in exotic Daphnia lumholtzi.
2012. Journal of Plankton Research 34: 92-97. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbr083

Weiss, LC, Kruppert, S, Laforsch, C Tollrian, R
Chaoborus and Gasterosteus Anti-Predator Responses in Daphnia pulex Are Mediated by Independent Cholinergic and Gabaergic Neuronal Signals
2012. PLoS ONE7(5): e36879. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036879

Maier, E., Buckenmeier, A., Tollrian, R. & B. Nurnberger.
Intracolonial genetic variation in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix
2012. Coral Reefs. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-011-0857-9.

Santangelo J M, Esteves F A, Tollrian R & Bozelli R L
A small-bodied cladoceran (Moina micrura) reacts stronger to vertebrate than invertebrate predators: a transgenerational life-table approach
2011. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1767-1772.

Sareyka J, Kraufvelin P, Lenz M, Lindström M, Tollrian R and Wahl M
Differences in stress tolerance and broodsize between a non-indigenous and anindigenous gammarid in the northernBaltic Sea
2011. Marine Biology 158:2001-2008. Marine Biology.

Simon J C, Pfrender M E, Tollrian R, Tagu D and Colbourne J K
Genomics of environmentally-induced phenotypes in two extremely plastic arthropods.
2011. Journal of Heredity doi:10.1093/jhered/esr020.

Engel K, Tollrian R & Jeschke J J
Integrating biological invasions, climate change, and phenotypic plasticity.
2011. Communicative & Integrative Biology 4: 247-250.span>
Spanier KI*, Leese F*, Mayer C, Colbourne JK, Gilbert D, Pfrender M & Tollrian R
Predator-induced defences in Daphnia pulex: Selection and evaluation of internal reference genes for gene expression studies with real-time PCR.
2010. BMC Molecular Biology 11:50.

Krabbe K, Leese F, Mayer C, Tollrian R and Held C
Cryptic mitochondrial lineages in the widespread pycnogonid Colossendeis megalonyx Hoek, 1881 from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters.
2010. Polar Biology 33:281-292.

Mayer C, Leese F and Tollrian R
Genome-wide analysis of tandem repeats in Daphnia pulex - a comparative approach.
2010. Bmc Genomics 11.

Santangelo J M, Bozelli R L, Esteves F D and Tollrian R
Predation cues do not affect the induction and termination of diapause in small-bodied cladocerans.
2010. Freshwater Biology 55:1577-1586.

Tollrian R and Leese F
Ecological genomics: steps towards unraveling the genetic basis of inducible defenses in Daphnia.
2010. BMC Journal of Biology 8. (51)

Laforsch C and Tollrian R
Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes.
2009. in: G. E. Likens, (Editor) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. volume 3, pp. 643-650 Oxford, Elsevier. /span>
Engel K and Tollrian R
Inducible defences as key adaptations for the successful invasion of Daphnia lumholtzi in North America?
2009. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276:1865-1873.

Maier E, Tollrian R and Nürnberger S
Fine-scale analysis of genetic structure in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix from the Red Sea.
2009. Coral Reefs 28:751-756. DOI 10.1007/s00338-009-0497-5.

Petrusek A, Tollrian R, Schwenk K, Haas A and Laforsch C
A "crown of thorns" is an inducible defense that protects Daphnia against an ancient predator.
2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:2248-2252.

Jeschke J M, Laforsch C and Tollrian R
Animal prey defenses.
2008. in S.E. Joergenson & B. D. Fath (Eds.), General Ecology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, Oxford, Elsevier.

van der Stap I, Vos M, Tollrian R and Mooij W and M
Inducible defenses, competition and shared predation in planktonic food chains.
2008. Oecologia 157:697-705.

Jeschke J M and Tollrian R
Prey swarming: which predators become confused and why?
2007. Animal Behavior Animal Behaviour 74:387-393.

Pohnert G, Steinke M, and Tollrian R
Chemical cues, defence metabolites and the shaping of pelagic interspecific interactions.
2007.TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 22:198-204.

Jeschke J M, Kopp M, and Tollrian R
Time and energy constraints: reply to Nolet and Klaassen (2005).
2006. Oikos 114:553-554.

Laforsch C, Beccara L, and Tollrian R
Inducible defenses: The relevance of chemical alarm cues in Daphnia.
2006. >Limnology and Oceanography 51:1466-1472.

Tollrian R and Laforsch C
Linking predator kairomones and turbulence: synergistic effects and ultimate reasons for phenotypic plasticity in Daphnia cucullata.
2006. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 167:135-146.

Gabriel W, Luttbeg B, Sih A & Tollrian R
Environmental tolerance, heterogeneity and the evolution of reversible plastic responses.
2005. American Naturalist166: 339-353.
Jeschke J M & Tollrian R
Effects of predator confusion on functional responses.
2005. Oikos 111: 547-555.
Maier E, Tollrian R, Rinkevich B & Nürnberger B
Reproductive mode and isolation by distance in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix..
2005. Marine Biology 147: 1109-1120.

Jeschke J M & Tollrian R
Full and lazy herbivores: a critique of the assumption that animals are usually time constrained.
2005. Ethology 111: 187-206.
Laforsch C, Ngwa W, Grill W & Tollrian R
An acoustic microscopy technique reveals hidden morphological defences in Daphnia.
2004. PNAS 101: 15911-15914

Laforsch C & Tollrian R
Embryological aspects of inducible morphological defenses in Daphnia.
2004. Journal of Morphology 262: 701-707.
Laforsch C & Tollrian R
Inducible defenses in multipredator environments: cyclomorphosis in Daphnia cucullata.
2004. Ecology 85: 2302-2311.

Tollrian R & Heibl C
Phenotypic plasticity in body pigmentation in Daphnia induced by UV-radiation and fish kairomones.
2004. Functional Ecology 18: 497-502.
Jeschke J M, Kopp M & Tollrian R
Conditions for type I functional responses.
2004. Biological Reviews 79: 337-349.
Wild C, Tollrian R & Hüttel M
Rapid recycling of coral mass spawning products in permeable reef sediments.
2004. Marine Ecology Progress Series 271: 159-166.

Laforsch C & Tollrian R
Extreme helmet formation in Daphnia cucullata caused by small scale turbulences.
2004. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 81-87.

Kopp M & Tollrian R
Coevolution between predator and prey: inducible offences against inducible defenses.
2003. Ecology Letters 6: 742-748.

Kopp M & Tollrian R
Trophic size polyphenismin the ciliate predator Lembadion bullinum: costs and benefits of an inducible offence.
2003. Ecology 84: 641-651.

Tollrian R
It's not all in the genes. Phenotypic plasticity: beyond nature and nurture (Invited Book Review)
2002. Nature 416: 584-585

Jeschke J M, Kopp M & Tollrian R
Predator functional response: discriminating between handling and digesting prey.
2002. Ecological Monographs 72: 95-112.

Maier E, Tollrian R & Nürnberger B
Development of species-specific markers in an organism with endosymbionts: microsatellites in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix.
2001. Molecular Ecology (Notes) 1: 157-159.

Petersen D & Tollrian R
Methods to enhance sexual recruitment for restoration of damaged reefs.
2001. Bulletin of Marine Science 69: 989-1000.

Rhode S, Pawlowski M, & Tollrian R
The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the vertical distribution of zooplankton of the genus Daphnia.
2001. Nature 412: 69-72.

Laforsch C & Tollrian R
A new preparation technique of Daphnids for Scanning Electron Microscopy using Hexamethyldisilazane.
2000. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149: 587-596.

Jeschke J M and Tollrian R
Density dependent effects of prey defenses.
2000. Oecologia123: 391-396.

Agrawal A A A, Laforsch C &Tollrian R
Transgenerational induction of defenses in animals and plants.
1999. Nature401: 60-63.

Dodson S I, Tollrian R & Lampert W
Individual swimming behavior of Daphnia: effects of food, light and container size in four clones.
1997. Journal of Plankton Research 19: 1537-1552.

Dodson S I, Tollrian R & Lampert W
Daphnia swimming behavior during vertical migration.
1997. Journal of Plankton Research 19: 969-978.

De Meester L, Weider L J & Tollrian R
Alternative antipredator defences and genetic polymorphism in a pelagic predator prey system.
1995. Nature 378: 483-485.

Tollrian R
Predator induced defenses: costs, life-history shifts and maternal effects in Daphnia pulex
1995. Ecology 76: 1691-1705.

Tollrian R
Chaoborus crystallinus predation on Daphnia pulex: Can induced morphological changes balance effects of body size on vulnerability?
1995. Oecologia 101: 151-155.

Lampert W, Tollrian R & Stibor H
Chemische Induktion von Verteidigungsmechanismen bei Süßwassertieren.
1994. Naturwissenschaften 81: 375-382.

Tollrian R & von Elert E
Enrichment and purification of Chaoborus kairomone from water: Further steps toward it's chemical characterization.
1994. Limnology and Oceanography 39: 788-792.

Tollrian R
Fish-kairomone induced morphological changes in Daphnia lumholtzi (Sars)..
1994. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 130: 69-75.

Tollrian R
Neckteeth formation in Daphnia pulex as an example of continuous phenotypic plasticity: morphological effects of Chaoborus.
1993. Journal of Plankton Research 15: 1309-1318.

Tollrian R
Predator-induced helmet formation in Daphnia cucullata.
1990. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 119:191-196.

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Weiss L, Laforsch C and Tollrian R
Chapter 13: The taste of predation and the defenses of prey, in C. Brönmark & L.A. Hansson (Eds.) Chemical Ecology of Aquatic Systems.
in press, Oxford University Press.

Laforsch C and Tollrian R
Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes, in G. E. Likens, (Editor) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters.
2009 Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. volume 3, pp. 643-650 Oxford: Elsevier.

Jeschke J M, Laforsch C & Tollrian R
Animal prey defenses, in S.E. Joergenson & B. D. Fath (Eds.) General Ecology.
2008 General Ecology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, Oxford Elsevier.

Tollrian R & Dodson S I
Predator induced defenses in cladocerans, in Tollrian R & Harvell C D (Eds.) The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses.
1999 Princeton, University Press, Princeton, NJ.

Harvell C D (Eds.) &Tollrian R
The Evolution of inducible defenses: current ideas, in Tollrian R & Harvell C D (Eds.) The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses.
1999 Princeton, University Press, Princeton, NJ.

Harvell C D (Eds.) &Tollrian R
Why inducible defenses?, in Tollrian R & Harvell C D (Eds.) The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses.
1999 Princeton, University Press, Princeton, NJ.

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Tollrian R & Harvell C D (Eds.)
The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses.
1999 Princeton, University Press, Princeton, NJ.

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