Summary: RDMO allows you to invite other project partners to the project. Due to simple user rights management read and write accesses can easily be defined.
Table of Contents

Invite a new member

  1. Select a project from the front page.

  2. Choose the option “Add member” from the menu on the right.

  3. On the next page, enter the e-mail address of the new member and select the desired role for them.

Invite a new member to the project.
Invite a new member to the project.

User rights

  • Guest: All answers are displayed as read-only.
  • Author: Can edit questions and answers, but can’t change any project settings.
  • Manager: Can change all settings, invite new members, export the project, and create snapshots.
  • Owner: Owners may also delete the project.

Edit or remove project members

  1. Select a project from the front page.

  2. Scroll down to the list of project members.

  3. You can adjust the rights of each member by selecting the pen-symbol or remove a member with “X”.

List of project members.
List of project members.

Tags: RDMO