RUB zeigt Solidarität mit japanischen Partnern

The Rectorate of Ruhr-Universität Bochum and all the members of the university are deeply shocked by the terrible news of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami which hit Japan at the end of last week. We are extremely worried because of the danger caused by the damaged nuclear plants threatening the Japanese people. We want our Japanese partners to know that our thoughts are with them and that RUB stands in full solidarity with its partner universities and the people of Japan.

RUB maintains intensive contacts with Japanese Universities including students’ exchange programs as well as specific research contacts. We entertain many long-standing partnerships with universities in Japan and have signed many new contracts with Japanese universities and research institutions these last two years. At the moment, RUB’s International Office is collecting detailed information on the extent to which its partner universities have been affected by this natural disaster. Researchers of RUB are also in contact with their colleagues in Japan. We are glad to have received rather reassuring news from RUB-students who are currently in Japan and are fortunately well, yet we are very worried about those universities in the north-east of Japan, where the earthquake and tsunami have been most destructive. We extend our sympathies to our colleagues and the people there. We are impressed by the strength and composure with which our Japanese colleagues are handling this extremely difficult situation and offer our support and our solidaritiy to them.

Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler, Rector of Ruhr-Universität

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