Wang Ping 王平

Professor of Chinese language and literature, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Short Biography

Wang Ping has been teaching as a professor of Chinese language and literature at Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue since 2016 and is also chairman of the Research Center of Overseas Chinese Character Culture (Haiwai hanzi wenhua yanjiu zhongxin 海外漢字文化研究中心) as well as editor of the International Journal of Chinese Character Studies (Shijie hanzi tongbao 世界漢字通報) and co-editor of the Journal of Chinese Characters (Hanzi yanjiu 漢字研究). Her research interests include the historical development of the Chinese writing system, the spreading and application of the Chinese writing system outside China, databases for Chinese characters and the digitization of character lexicons.

Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Wang Ping 王平. ‘Shuowen jiezi’ biaodian zhengli ben 《説文解字》標點整理本 [„Shuowen jiezi“, Revised and Punctuated]. Shanghai: Shanghai Shudian Chubanshe, 2016.
  • Wang Ping. Zhongguo wenzi fazhanshi, Wei Jin Nanbeichao wenzi 中國文字發展史·魏晉南北朝文字 [Historical Development of the Chinese Writing System: Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties]. Shanghai: Huadong Shifan Daxue Chubanshe, 2015.
  • Wang Ping. Yuwai hanzi chuanbo shuxi Hanguo juan 域外漢字傳播書系 韓國卷 [Distribution of the Chinese Writing System Outside China: Korea]. Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe, 2012.
  • Wang Ping. Zhongguo yitizi daxi: kaishu bian 中國異體字大系 楷書編 [Manual on Variations of Characters: Regular Script]. Shanghai: Shanghai Shuhua Chubanshe, 2008.
  • Wang Ping. Jiaguwen yu Yin Shang renji 甲骨文與殷商人祭 [Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Human Sacrifices During the Shang Dynasty]. Zhengzhou: Daxiang Chubanshe, 2007.
  • Wang Ping. ‘Shuowen jiezi xin ding‘ 《説文解字》新訂 [New Emendations of "Shuowen Jiezi"]. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2002.