Thomas Crone

Research Fellow of the Department for Chinese Language and Literature at Ruhr University Bochum

Short Biography

Thomas Crone (PhD Ruhr University Bochum, 2019) researches the history of Chinese philosophy and religion from the Shang to the Tang Dynasty, and especially the semantics of Classical Chinese. Further research focuses are ancient Chinese proverbs and wisdom literature as well as the Chinese intellectual history of the 20th century.

Selected Publications

  • Crone, Thomas. “The semantic change of the word min 民 in texts of the Eastern Zhou Period (771–221 BC).” Asiatische Studien 70, no. 3 (2016): 675–699.
  • Crone, Thomas. „Von der Sünde und dem Hass der Geister und Götter: Einige Thesen zum Bedeutungswandel des Wortes jiu 咎 in Texten der Shang- und Zhou-Zeit.“ Orientierungen 27 (2015): 243–264.
  • Crone, Thomas. „Der Begriff mín 民 in Texten der Westlichen Zhōu-Dynastie (1050–771 v. Chr.).“ Orientierungen 26 (2014): 31–51.
  • Crone, Thomas. “‚Zi zhi zhe ming‘: lun Laozi zhong de ziwo renzhi “自知者明”:论《老子》中的自我认知“. In: Laozi yu Huaxia wenming chuancheng chuangxin 老子与华夏文明传承创新. Ed. by Zhao Baoyou 赵保佑. Beijing: Shehui Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe, 2013, 243–251.