Felix Bohlen

Research fellow in subproject 16 of the Collaborative Research Center 1167
"Power and Rulership -- Premodern Configurations in a Transcultural Perspective"
University of Bonn

Short Biography

Felix Bohlen's interests lie not only in the history of ancient China but also in historical narratology. He focuses on the literary motif of criticism of rulers in early texts, especially as depicted in narrative texts. He also deals with the epigraphy of the Shang and Western Zhou period as well as the conceptual history and word field analysis of Power and Rulership.

He is an employee in subproject 16 of the Collaborative Research Center 1167 "Power and Rulership – Pre-modern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective" (Bonn, DFG-funded).

Selected Publications

  • Bohlen, Felix. “Narrative Discourses on Power and Rule: The Anecdote and the Exemplum in the Shanghai-Manuscript ‘The Remonstrance of Bao Shuya and Xi Peng’.” In: The History of Remonstrance in China – From the Beginnings to the Medieval Period. (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft). Ed. by Christian Schwermann and Thomas Crone. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/Bonn University Press, expected 2020.
  • Bohlen, Felix. „Vom Mauerstampfer zum Minister – Zur Darstellung der Ratgeberfigur Fu Yue im Spiegel antiker chinesischer Texte.“ In: Die Figur des Ratgebers. (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft). Ed. by Alheydis Plassmann and Dominik Büschken. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/Bonn University Press, expected 2020.
  • Bohlen, Felix. „Das ‚Guoyu‘ 國語 – ein frühchinesischer Fürstenspiegel?.“ In: Macht und Herrschaft als transkulturelle Phänomene. Texte – Bilder - Artefakte. (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft). Ed. by Elke Brüggen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/Bonn University Press, expected 2020.