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27.11.2012 / 18h
OLga Goriunova (Warwick University)
The Expressive Power of Memes or Tracing Digital Artefacts in the Making

In this talk I will first look at memes as aesthetic objects »at the brink« that mediate individuation, following both Simondon and Bakhtin. I will then proceed to examine the genesis and power of memes as aesthetic phenomena modelled on a small number of Web platforms and exemplified in a few groups, most notably the Anonymous. The talk will also engage with meme self-research culture.


Olga Goriunova is Ass. Prof. at Warwick University, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies. She is the author of Art Platforms and Cultural Production on the Internet (Routledge 2011) and currently she is working on editing a volume entitled Fun and Software. She is on the editorial board of the journal Computational Culture and has been involved in organising festivals and projects in the field of software art.


Olga Goriunova

Impressum | Design by Julia Eckel