Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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Research areas
Area A:
Area B:
Applications & Design
Area C:
Manufacturing & Processing
Area T:
Industry Transfer
Diploma theses
Ph. D. theses
Research Output
Recent Publications
Recent Presentations
Shape Memory Technology SFB 459
Special Research Center funded by German Research Foundation DFG
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Machining of shape memory alloys ... » Area C: Manufacturing & Processing » Homepage
General information on project C4
Machining of shape memory alloys
Field of investigation:
Processing technology
Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Biermann
Telephone: (0231) 755-27 83/84
FAX: (0231) 755-51 41
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Klaus Weinert
Telephone: (0231) 755-27 83/84
FAX: (0231) 755-51 41
Universität Dortmund 
Fakultät Maschinenbau 
Institut für Spanende Fertigung 
44221 Dortmund 
Baroper Str. 301 
44227 Dortmund 

Project C4 is concerned with the machining of NiTi-SMA. Prior research concerning the micro-milling of these alloys will be expanded to deepen the so far acquired knowledge 
and to cover the most recent demands and developments in the area of shape memory and micro machining.  Thus, a major aim is the reduction of the structural size of tools 
and workpieces by a magnitude from 100 µm to 10 µm. Experiments of the previous years proved the non-linearity of prevalent effects when reducing the size of the tools and 
the according cutting data. This calls for an appropriate design of the micro machining processes, especially when machining NiTi. These processes are necessary if it comes to 
the manufacturing of simple structures, such as stents. 
The emphasis of the process analysis will be on the peripheral zone of the workpiece in order to estimate the quality of the processes. In addition, standard procedures like 
overall machining quality and tool wear are of interest. The successful mastering of these processes offers completely new possibilities of application, like micro milling of NiTi 
foil or the structuring of medical micro tubes. Thus, the machining technologies enter scales of micro technology which have been subject of laser machinery so far.  
The main emphasis of the current period is the adaptation of a laser supported micro gundrilling process to the special properties of NiTi SMA. This innovative area of research 
has not been investigated so far, neither with conventional materials. The last period of the special research center SFB 459 showed several applications of NiTi with the need 
of micro- structured holes. Thus, based upon the concentrated experience of the project C4 concerning macroscopic gundrilling of NiTi, the Institute of Machining Technology 
(ISF) is investigating the complex mechanism of the combination of mechanical chip removal and lasercutting on a microscopic scale. 

It was shown in the last years that NiTi is a difficult-to-cut material, though considerable progress could be achieved concerning the machinability and the overall process quality. Another topic of the current period is the optimization of machining processes to conclude the prior achievements. New coating concepts, such as Cr-based microlayers, might help to reduce the high adhesive tool wear that standard tools suffer today. Additionally, hybrid machining processes with heated workpieces (above 200°C) might offer new conclusions in the machining of NiTi.

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