Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution

The Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution is a cooperative platform initiated by a number of scientists and scholars in the fields of philosophy, psychiatry, psychology, neurosciences and neuroinformatics located at the Ruhr-University Bochum. In addition to the well-established reserach at the department of neuroscience in Bochum, the main focus of the center is to foster all those research endeavours that are interdisciplinary in nature.

Thus, the center provides an interdisciplinary platform for neurophilosophical and neurocognitive studies.. Its mission is to work toward an integrated understanding of cognition through an interdisciplinary research approach in philosophy, psychology, psychiatry and neurosciences and to develop new perspectives on possible interfaces between these disciplines. This platform will also be the support for the creation of a new and interdisciplinary Master program “Mind and Brain” taught in English. Research in the center integrates four methodological approaches: the philosophical analysis of mental phenomena (MIND), the investigation of physiological processes (BRAIN), the study of behavioral patterns including computational modeling and comparative studies of cognitive functions (Cog. Evolution). The goal of the center is to develop a new understanding of cognition focusing on the following functions: social cognition, self and action, concepts and categorization, and learning and memory. The innovative dimension of this endeavour is that the four methodological approaches will be applied to one and the same topic.

On this site you can find all relevant details about the founders and members of this platform as well as about interesting guests residing at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Furthermore, we keep posting announced talks and lectures (see: news), and every semester, a selection of CogSci relevant courses offered at the Ruhr-University will be listed (see: Teaching).