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pix International Summer School
Migrant´s Networking
October 5th to 8th 2009
Entdeckung 1 Entdeckung 2 Entdeckung 3 Entdeckung 4 Entdeckung 5



This summer school provides insights into the state of the art of theoretical and empirical migration research. Renowned specialists in their fields will provide an introduction to the current state of the art in their specialty areas. The focus of this year’s summer school will be on network approaches to migration studies as well as migrants’ social capital and self-organization. Selected quantitative, as well as qualitative research methods, are introduced and discussed in more detail in small working groups. Overall, the program offers advanced M.A.- and Ph.D. students the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects in a professional environment of scholars and experts.



The program consists of a mixture of plenary lectures, three parallel workshops in advanced and innovative methods of empirical migration research, and three parallel workshops in selected advanced theories of migration research. All scholars will present their M.A.- and Ph.D. projects in a plenary and poster session. In addition, many projects will be discussed in depth during two plus two parallel workshops.

Call for Papers and Programme

Detailed Schedule

Application Process

Please submit an abstract of 300 words and a short letter of motivation until May 31st 2009 to the following address: or via our on-line application form

Additionally, the two preferred workshops should be indicated.

The language of the international summer school will be English.

No conference fee will be raised. Much to our regret, we must inform you that neither travel expenses nor accommodation costs can be given. Information regarding accommodation facilities and conference details will soon be available on our website.

The Summer School is organized jointly between the Department of Social Science/Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Prof. Dr. L. Pries), the Department of Social Sciences/Universität Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. A. Weiß) and the Research School of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Dr. Wüllner).


Ruhr-Universität Research School Universität Duisburg-Essen
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Letzte Änderung: 07.04.2009 | Ansprechpartner/in: Inhalt & Technik