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pix International Summer School
Selected Concepts of Comparison and Methods of Empirical Migration Research
29.09. - 03.10.2008
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Successful Application Process for International Summer School on Migration Research

The international summer school on "Selected Concepts of Comparison and Methods of Empirical Migration Research" attracted great interest and received over 60 international applications from 19 countries. 47 highly qualified M.A. and Ph.D. students are invited to participate in the summer school that offers insights into the state of the art of empirical migration research.
The five day program includes workshops on qualitative and quantitative methods as well as the opportunity for the participants to present their own research in an international environment. The first day (29 September) is dedicated to five keynote speakers who present concepts of international and transnational comparison for migration research. The presentations of Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Ludger Pries, Michael Bommes, Karin Kurz, and Steffen Mau take place in Room 4 near the Bistro and are open to the general public. (Please register with Mrs. Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül at tuelay.zenginguel@ruhr-uni-bochum.)
The first international summer school is organized and funded jointly between the Faculty of Social Science/Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Prof. Dr. L. Pries), the Department of Social Sciences/Universität Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. A. Weiß) and the Research School of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (PhD candidate M.A. Kerstin Rosenow).

The summerschool's program (PDF).
This statement's print-friendly version (PDF).


This summer school provides insights into the state of the art of empirical migration research. Renowned specialists in their fields introduce selected quantitative as well as qualitative research methods and situate them in the context of current research approaches. Additionally, methods are treated and discussed in more detail in small working groups. Overall, the program offers advanced M.A.- and Ph.D. students the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects in a professional environment of scholars and experts.


The first day is dedicated to five keynote speakers who present current research questions and compare various (migration) research approaches and their methodological implications. Participants will have the chance to discuss with the experts in small working groups throughout the day as well as during the conference dinner on Monday night.

During the second and third day four workshops (two parallel at a time) on qualitative and quantitative methods with regard to the study of migration will be held, including the analysis of migration regimes, migrant organizations, and migrants’ biographies and life courses. Participants may choose two out of the four workshops.

On the fourth day each participant will have the chance to present his or her research design either in a plenary session or in small thematic working groups and is invited to make comments on the research outlines/designs of the other participants.

The fifth day is an optional day, which could (according to participants’ interests) include a cultural visiting program in cooperation with local or regional migrant organizations.

Detailed schedule & application information (PDF)

Application Process

Please submit an abstract of 300 words and a short letter of motivation until 30 June 2008 to the following address: Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül. Additionally, the two preferred workshops should be indicated.

The language of the international summer school will be English. No conference fee is raised. We are sorry to announce that neither travel nor lodging reimbursements can be given. Information regarding accommodation options and conference details will be available on this website soon.

The Summer School is organized jointly between the Faculty of Social Science/Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Prof. Dr. L. Pries), the Department of Social Sciences/Universität Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. A. Weiß) and the Research School of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (PhD candidate M.A. Kerstin Rosenow).

Ruhr-Universität Research School Universität Duisburg-Essen
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Letzte Änderung: 07.04.2009 | Ansprechpartner/in: Inhalt & Technik