List of publications

Ordered by Year



Agcaer, S., Schlesinger, A., Hoffmann, F.-M., Martin, R. (2015). "Optimization of amplitude modulation features for low-resource acoustic scene classification," in Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European , vol., no., pp.2556-2560, Aug. 31 2015-Sept. 4 2015.

Archer-Boyd, A. W., Whitmer, W. M., Brimijoin, O. W., Soraghan, J. J. (2015). "Biomimetic Direction of Arrival Estimation for Resolving Front-Back Confusions in Hearing Aids", JASA, Vol. 137, May 2015.

Gergen, S., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2015). "Reduction of reverberation effects in the MFCC modulation spectrum for improved classification of acoustic signals", Interspeech 2015, Dresden, September 2015.

Gergen, S., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2015). "Classification of reverberant audio signals using clustered ad hoc distributed microphones". Signal Processing, 107, 21-32.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Learning Dynamic Stream Weights For Coupled-HMM-based Audio-visual Speech Recognition”, IEEE Trans. Audio Speech and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 863-876, May 2015.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Watanabe, S., Hershey, J., Vincent, E., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Uncertainty Propagation through Deep Neural Networks,” in Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 2015.

Jacobi, R., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Multilevel Decoding Scheme for RFID and Sensor Signals in Inductively Coupled Systems”, Proc. of the European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany, June 2015.

Jacobi, R., Süss, A., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Determination of the Optimal Carrier Frequency in Harsh Environments by Parameter Estimation”, Proc. of the European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany, June 2015.

Jacobi, R., Süss, A., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Carrier Frequency Adaptation Approach”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on RFID, San Diego, USA, April 2015.

Karbasi, M., Kolossa, D. (2015). “A Microscopic Approach to Speech Intelligibility Prediction using Auditory Models”, Proc. DAGA, Nürnberg, March 2015.

Martin, R., Azarpour, M., Enzner, G. (2015). "Binaural Speech Enhancement with Instantaneous Coherence Smoothing Using The Cepstral Correlation Coefficient", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.111-115, Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.

Meutzner, H., Gupta, S., Kolossa, D. (2015). "Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines", Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Seoul, Korea, April 2015.

Nagathil, A., Weihs C., Martin R. (2015). “Signal Processing Strategies for Improving Music Perception in the Presence of a Cochlear Hearing Loss,” in Proc. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Bochum, Germany, ISBN 978-3-9813141-5-1.

Saeidi, R., Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Uncertain LDA: Including observation uncertainties in discriminative transforms”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Sept. 2015.

Schasse, A., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R., Sörgel, W., Pilgrim, T., Puder, H. (2015), "Two-Stage Filter-Bank System for Improved Single-Channel in Hearing Aids", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) ,vol. 23, no. 2, February 2015, pp. 383-393.

Schymura, C., Winter, F., Kolossa, D., Spors, S. (2015). “Binaural Sound Source Localisation and Tracking using a dynamic Spherical Head Model", in Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 2015.

Zohourian, M., Archer-Boyd, A., Martin, R. (2015). ''Multi-Channel Speaker Localization and Separation Using a Model-Based GSC and an Inertial Measurement Unit'', IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.5615-5619, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.

Zohourian, M., Archer-Boyd, A., Martin, R. (2015). '' An Improved Adaptive Beamformer Robust to Rotational Movement'', in Proc. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), pp.3611-3615, Bochum, Germany, ISBN 978-3-9813141-5-1.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2015). "Multichannel Wiener Filtering via Multichannel Decorrelation", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
