Fakultäten der RUB » Fakultät für Mathematik » Lehrstühle » Mathematische Physik / Stochastik

Dr. Benedikt Jahnel


   Interagierende Teilchensysteme

   Scientific Activities
   Probability Theory
   Gibbs Measure
   Interacting Particle Systems

   Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


WS 14/15 Übungen zu Gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen
SS 14 Seminar über Random Walks auf Graphen
WS 12/13 Übung zur Mathematik für Physiker I
SS 12 Übung zur Statistik I
WS 11/12 Übung zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie I
SS 11 Seminar über interagierende Teilchensysteme
WS 10/11 Übung zur Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie


B.Jahnel, C.Külske, Attractor properties for irreversible and reversible interacting particle systems
Preprint available at, arXiv:1507.01244

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, Sharp thresholds for Gibbs-non-Gibbs transition in the fuzzy Potts models with a Kac-type interaction
Preprint available at, arXiv:1502.04238

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, Attractor properties of non-reversible dynamics w.r.t. invariant Gibbs measures on the lattice
Accepted for publication in Markov Processes and Related Fields. Preprint available at, arXiv:1409.8193

G.I.Botirov, B.Jahnel, C.Külske, Phase transition and critical values of a nearest-neighbor system with uncountable local state space on Cayley trees
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 1385-0172, (2014)

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, A class of non-ergodic weak PCAs with unique invariant measure and quasi-periodic orbit
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125, 2427-2450 (2015), also available at, arXiv:1404.3314

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, E. Rudelli, J. Wegener, <Gibbsian and non-Gibbsian properties of the generalized mean-field fuzzy Potts-model
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol. 20, 601-632 (2014), also available at arXiv:1312.5229

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, Synchronization for discrete mean-field rotators
Electronic Journal of Probability, Volume 19, Article 14 (2014), also available at, arXiv:1308.1260

B.Jahnel, C.Külske, A class of nonergodic interacting particle systems with unique invariant measure
Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2595-2643 (2014), also available at, arXiv:1208.5433v2

Doktorarbeit: Gibbs Measures under Local Discretization and Rotation Dynamics

Diplomarbeit: The Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks in Markovian Environments


Dissertation Vorlage Latex 2014   Dissertation_Vorlage_Latex_2014 (790.0 kB)


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Gebäude NA
Etage 4, Raum 29
Universitätsstr. 150

D-44801 Bochum